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homemade model filler

I seal these areas with a little super glue, then sand them smooth. Before using glue to fill a gap bear in mind how much damage might be done if too much glue oozes out and always err on the safe side. Scale Model Guide © Copyright 2013, All Rights Reserved. Every part should be test fitted before any glue is applied. Before using solvent putties, especially if they’ve been sitting around, massage the tube to mix the chemicals, which can separate as paint does. But leave some on either side and never scrape it flush. Low viscosity makes it possible to squeeze water-based putties through fine tips, so they can be applied directly to tight spots. Grind the sawdust you plan to use in a coffee grinder and add it to a small amount of lacquer that you've already poured into a bowl. This is one area where gap-filling superglue is very useful. However, care is needed to avoid putting too much on the parts that will ooze out when the parts are put together. I personally use a stereoscopic Micros... Jim Hennessy: That is extremely cool! Old-school putties, Squadron Green, Testors Contour, and Tamiya Basic Type are the standard fillers for most modeling applications. If there is a step up or down in levels then it should normally be removed by paring it away with a knife or sanding BEFORE any filler is used. Techniques for filling gaps are covered in the article ‘Gap Filling’ . The confined space and raised surface detail would make this difficult with sandpaper. Talc has the disadvantage that it takes longer to cure. Using a brush or cotton bud and a little acetone, it is possible to smooth over the filler or wipe it away to leave a flush surface. Stinky and sticky, these putties contain organic solvents like toluene and acetone. Taking small amounts smooth it down into the gap avoiding getting it on to the surface. Epoxy putty is stiffer than either solvent- or water-based putties, so it’s the perfect choice for adding new parts such as an extended radome on an aircraft or a turret bulge on a tank. Doing this makes the superglue less likely to crack and more resilient. However, there are a couple of alternatives to sanding. Although some gaps cannot be avoided there are many that can. The white line of filler shows the gaps between the two halves. Old-school putties, Squadron Green, Testors Contour, and Tamiya Basic Type are the standard fillers for most modeling applications. >>, Skill Building: Bend and shape photo-etch metal pieces, NPRD One Shot: ICM de Havilland DH.82a Tiger Moth, On the Bench: Setting up the perfect workbench, Modeler's Tool Boxes: Airbrushing & Getting Started, FineScale Modeler: 10-Year Collection 2008-2017 DVD-ROM. The difference with the second method is that there is a smooth transition from one half of the fuselage to the other. The first stage is to roughly remove most of the step by paring it away carefully with a sharp knife. Download Your FREE HE -162 Painting & Weathering Video Guide. The filler has disguised the gap but has only partly disguised the difference in levels. This has several advantages: A step in the level between two parts is just as unsightly as a gap between them and both can often be avoided, or at least reduced. The fuselage half which stands proud is also partly sanded away with the filler, but even so the result is that there is an uneven transition where one half joins the other. Revell Plasto Body Putty Model Filler 25ml. Clearly, care is needed to minimise any damage to surface detail. There is no magic formula for doing this – it comes down to common sense and practice. The filler is then added (step 3) and when fully set is sanded away as normal (step 4). Further information about using epoxy putty can be found in the article ‘Using Milliput’. Hi, I am not a modeller who can cut out a piece of plasticard perfectly all the time, so after producing nearly 20 buildings for my layouts now a bit of filler is in desperate need. The diagrams on the right demonstrate this effect. I have a jar on my bench right now. When using most fillers the normal process is to fill any gap and add a little extra filler to be sanded later. Free postage. Excess can be removed with a wet finger or cotton swab, which makes water-based putties useful for seams like wing roots. This works for most people in most situations. Some modellers use superglue together with a filler or binder. Shop online for 26 hobby and craft putty / filler at discounts up to 26%.Plastic is the most popular of the 3 hobby and craft putty / filler categories, then Wood, and Microballoon. Apply more than is needed to fill the gap, as most solvent-based fillers shrink as they dry. These days the quality of model kits has imrpoved dramatically and any gaps are usually minor. Only use a little acetone, do not soak the brush/bud in it. Two part filler is good for repairing cracks, splits and shakes in timber. However I am torn for which to buy. In the final photograph on the left, the filler is not only filling a gap between the two halves, but is also leveling a small depression. Putty needs to get down into gaps to fill them, so I push it through with the stirrer. Fillers that are based on toluene (see the label on the back of the tube) can be thinned with acetone. When using talc take special care not to breath it into the lungs. Just like paint that’s been sitting around for a while, the chemicals in solvent-based putties need to be mixed before use. in Techniques Water-based putties are a little thinner than solvent-based fillers, and they don’t shrink as they dry. You may find that on a model there is a seam where on the real tank there is a noticable weld bead. model filler. Use the minimum amount of filler. This is particularly so with tanks that are often constructed out of large slabs of metal welded together. The best way to do that is to eliminate gaps between the pieces. More than 1600 people have accessed it so far. Information on the different types of filler available is contained in the article ‘All About Fillers’. Enter Your Name and Email Address Below to Get Started! Wet your finger to smooth and shape the putty. Comments Off on How to Fill Gaps and Hide Joints The edge of the stick is ideal for scraping excess putty from around the gap. may completely hide a join or gap. Wet a tool or toothpick to carve and shape the putty. This is not so easy on aircraft, but on military vehicles the application of mud to the wheels, or stowage, tarpauline or camouflage nets to the upper hull could be used to hide an unsightly gap. A further way to reduce gaps is to deliberately use excess glue so that it will ooze out between the parts and fill any gap. This is where water-based putties truly excel. Once dried, you can sand it down flush to the model and it will make it look a lot better. This is particularly useful in confined spaces, corners, or where there is surface detail nearby that might be damageed by sanding. Revell - PLASTO - Plastic Model Kit Filler 25ml Tube - FREE - 2nd Class ONLY. We use cookies and similar tools to enhance your shopping experience, to provide our services, understand how customers use our services so we can make improvements, and display ads. The first thing you do is scoop out the suitable amount of talcum powder and add super glue and mix until it is the consistency of honey so it is workable ad then apply it to the part and give it 5-10 minutes to dry and … Let’s look at three main types and how to use them. In most cases, putty mimics styrene and disappears under paint. It will take several hours to set, giving you plenty of working time. This article shows techniques and provides advice on how to fill gaps and hide seam lines on scale models. Extremely old school. Smooth the filler into the gap, then scrape or wipe away any excess. A little water on a finger will smooth the surface of the putty and blend the edges into the surface. Deluxe Materials Perfect Plastic Putty and Acrylicos Vallejo Plastic Putty are popular with modelers. Take a little of the putty and push it into the gap. You don’t need to wear gloves for this process, but it will keep your hands clean. I use a 2 part epoxy filler called Milliput to fill in large gaps. 4.5 out of 5 stars 973. Another thing that model manufacturers have become good at is hiding join lines created in the early stages of a model with parts added later on. on the web video tutorial - see a sneak preview here: In our friendly step-by-step video guide we cover topics like: Support Atlantis Model company kick-starter campaing, Model Photography Part5 – Image Editing & Realistic Setting. The putty can usually be softened and smoothed with a wet finger. thank you for gre... Roman: Great use! Replace the top on the tube as soon as possible. When the filler is completely set, the foot is sanded with fine ‘wet & dry’ paper again. Extended drying times allow you to shape, carve, and sculpt epoxy putty on the model. To fill holes in styrene or wood, the best filler is a similar material: wood for wood and styrene for styrene. I too use MEK or Acetone. Here filler is being removed by scraping with a blade. Click & Collect. For example, the addition of storage boxes, fuel drums etc. This will not be visible after painting. Click the Button Below to Get Started Right Away! Sign in to get access to the BEST on the web video tutorial - see a sneak preview here: In our friendly step-by-step video guide we cover topics like: drybrushing, applying washes, applying decals  and many more. 31ml HUMBROL MODEL GAP FILLER WITH * FREE * 12ml POLY CEMENT - AIRFIX HORNBY. Man, I haven't heard of anyone using homemade filler in ages. This is the modeller’s nightmare. Also the superglue remains sandable even if left for a long time whereas with baking soda the superglue goes rock hard with time. Smooth join, no sanding! Fortunately, in this case the surface is smooth so removing delicate surface detail with filling and sanding is not an i… Step 3 shows the effect when the filler is sanded away. The two main body halves of this ‘Alien’ figure were a very poor fit. The message here is to check the later stages of construction before spending time hiding a seam or gap. Epoxy putty is harder and takes more elbow grease to smooth. Gap-filling superglue requires a different technique. 4.5 out of 5 stars 986. We are not suggesting that poor modelling should be disguised by the liberal application of mud and stowage. A quick spray of accelerator will harden the superglue almost instantly. Mixing sawdust with nitrocellulose lacquer makes a resilient, durable filler that you can use for small projects as well as large ones, such as filling gaps in wood flooring. Wildly divergent colors make it easy to see the filler on gray plastic. When using model filler, it is necessary to work fairly quickly because it air dries and quickly forms a skin. If any filler is smeared where it is not wanted then it should either be wiped off immediately or left to harden fully. If this is not done then the shape of the model may be distorted and it is surprising how obvious this sometimes appears on a finished model. Humbrol 31 ml Tube Model Filler. I find that a rounded blade works best and tilting the blade slightly in the direction I am scraping removes the filler without damaging the surface of the model. The other method with gap-filling superglue is to glue the parts as normal and then use a bead of the superglue to fill any gap. Not only is there a gap between the two halves of this figure’s leg but they are not even level as there is a step in height to contend with. Hi Guys just thought I would share with you my home made body putty recipe the filler comprises of two ingredients super glue and talcum powder or baby powder. Before filling a gap make sure that there is no difference in height between the two parts on either side of the gap. Firm and sturdy, epoxy putty can be formed and holds its shape, making it ideal for grafting detail. I push the putty into a gap on a submarine hull, but the filler can be sculpted on creatures or clothing for figures. I use Tamiya fine white putty for small gaps as seen in the picture. Or, because of the thin consistency, you can squeeze them directly into a seam. Tamiya is ranked #1 out of 7 hobby and craft putty / filler manufacturers, followed by Testors, and Deluxe Materials Limited. However, if adding weathering and stowage will enhance a model then it can perform a dual role of saving the need to fill gaps. But there is no need to apply excess; they don’t shrink as they dry. This method is particularly useful if you want the filler to be built up or sculpted for example forming a canvas cover around the base of a gun, or a weld bead where metal railings are fixed to the side of a vehicle. Caution should be used when doing this because if too much glue is used it can not only fill any gap but might run out on to the model’s surface causing damage to any surface detail. Squeeze some of the putty onto a scrap of styrene or a glass palette. Acetone can by bought from most chemists and it is usually the main component of nail polish remover. The first diagram shows a cross section of an aircraft fuselage where two halves have been joined together. Unlike their solvent-based cousins, these putties have little odor, can be handled with fewer precautions, and rarely need mixing before use. Knead the components together until the color is uniform. In the second lower diagram on the right, the starting situation is the same. If these were not filled and sanded the finished model would not have looked realistic. I personally love the stuff. Apply the putty to the seam to be filled with a flat object. This was about the worst example of poor fitting you will find and it was found on a model that was first released decades ago. If there is any excess to be scraped or sanded away then this should be done when the putty has partially hardened, but before it has set rock hard. You can use a flat tool to spoon them over a gap. This remaining difference in levels can be removed at this stage by further sanding/paring/scraping, but it is made more difficult by the presence of the filler. After applying Perfect Plastic Putty to the wing root of a Phantom, I remove the excess and smooth the finish with a damp cotton swab. Any excess will be sanded away so there is no point making it look pretty at this stage, just get it into the gap and move on. Sometimes scraping over the filler with a knife blade is a better way of removing excess filler. Like my f... He-162 Painting & Weathering FREE Video Guide, Step by step Guide to Apply Realistic Paint Chips and Wear with Salt. 4.6 out of 5 stars 440. Manufacturers have become very clever with how they break models down into individual parts and ofter arrange for seam lines to occur when there are joins on the real vehicle. It also makes it easier to sand. Any excess can then be pared away with a knife or sanded smooth. Once again, a knife blade is used to scrape away filler. Essential finishing techniques for scale modelers. However, in this case the difference in levels between the two fuselage halves is removed by paring and sanding away the higher of the two fuselage halves (step 2) before attempting to fill the gap. Talc has the advantage that it is very stable and does not degrade. £5.48. Epoxy putty adheres well enough, but it can be helpful to rough up the surfaces to ensure it stays put. I learned a lot about the weathering... Kevin Smith: Hi, you are great master of paint brushes! Subscribe now and celebrate with us! If these can be sanded, or pared away the parts might fit better. Another possibility is to use clamps, rubber bands or masking tape to hold the parts tightly in place while the glue dries and this will often improve the fit. Tamiya’s basic putty is gray, which matches most plastic and is easy to hide under paint. Inadequately mixed putty won’t set. BTW, cellulose thinners stinks and you will need to use a well ventilated room Hope this helps Cheers P (143) 143 product ratings - Milliput Modelling Putty / Filler Ideal for Model Making New. In this situation, rather than hide the gap you will need to make it look like a weld bead. Milliput remains a family run company committed to manufacturing a high quality product. But the object of finishing them is to make them look like a solid object. It can be applied at the gluing stage so that it fills any gaps as the parts are put together. Apply the putty of the seam and make sure to press it into the gap. Instead of filling a gap it is almost always better to avoid having the gap in the first place. You will also need to use and sand less filler because you are only filling a gap and not disguising a difference in levels. £2.25 to £4.50. This article shows techniques and provides advice on how to fill gaps and hide seam lines on scale models. When using epoxy putty there is more time to work and it is usually preferable to get a good finish that will not need any sanding. Revell Plasto Body Putty Model Filler 25ml. £3.25 postage. This foot from an ‘Alien’ figure is made from two halves that fit very poorly with a significant step in level from one half to the other. But I typically use old sprues, old toys, I suppose the ocassional fork or spoon. I use disposable wooden coffee stirrers to apply putty. It's hard to use on big gaps and seams, but for a spot filler, nothing is finer. Approved third parties also use these tools in connection with our display of ads. View our, Read and share your comments on this article, We're celebrating 35 years! If so, join to receive updates and receive FREE He-162 Painting & Weathering Video Guide. This article explains the different types of gap filling materials available to modellers. We do not sell, rent or trade our email lists. Get the parts as equal as possible to ensure the epoxy putty sets properly. After that, fill that with some lube, wrap some rubber bands around the condom or glove to secure it to the can, and go to town. 104 sold. After applying putty, run a damp (not wet) cotton swab along the seam. This is an area where research photographs are very useful. Do not miss out! If used carefully it won't damage your model and can be sanded down to a great finish. Avoid contaminating either container as you scoop them out. Epoxy putty works for standard gap-filling, but it comes into its own on figures where the ease of blending and sculpting can be used to replace or enhance organic detail. Solvent-based putty. You should also consider whether the gap could be hidden, or disguised by something you can add to the model. Thin super glue dries as hard as plastic; I run a little over large areas of filler to seal the surface for painting. It shows the modeller where glue needs to be applied; It gives the modeller a ‘dress rehersal’ on where and how to hold the pieces in question and whether any support will be needed while the parts set; It shows up whether there are likely to be any gaps or steps between the parts. Apoxie Sculpt provides plastic containers for each part. The thing to do is mix your filler and cellulose thinners in a metal lid and then apply it to the model with a brush (as you would Mr Surfacer). In other cases, you may not need to do anything at all as the join line on the model may look very like the join on the real thing. Baking soda is often used and I have heard of one modeller using talc. Once the putty dries, the result will be a perfectly filled and blended seam. Information on the different types of filler available is contained in the article ‘All About Fillers’. You're quite good at this. Obviously kits consist of individual parts. 107 sold. Solvent- and water-based putties can be easily sanded once dry. Select Your Cookie Preferences. This two-part filler can me mixed with a variety of colouring agents before the … You can see that after scraping away filler only a very thin line of filler is visible where before there was a gap. a two part epoxy putty Established in 1968, Milliput is one of the world's leading producers of epoxy putties. Finally, if you cannot prevent a gap and are sure it is not meant to be there and it will be visible on the finished model, there is no alternative but to fill it. But large fills may absorb paint differently. I've used lacquer thinner for years to cement styrene or to make a filler putty from styrene scraps and shavings, and have never had a problem with the filler shrinking. The superglue may continue to harden for some time so any sanding should be done as soon as the superglue is hard enough to do so. Sanding will take care of minor problems. Keep the nozzle clean to extend the life of the putty in the tube. Replace the lid immediately after, wiping putty from the opening; dry putty can prevent the lid from closing properly allowing the tube’s contents to dry prematurely. External timber has a special two-part filler which is rock hard in about 30 minutes, can be sanded, screwed, nailed and planed. Posted 09 March 2014 - 08:33 PM. Make sure that the filler is completely set before sanding or scraping away the excess – no harm will be done by leaving it to long, but if it is sanded before it is completely set, a mess will be created since both the filler and some of the plastic will have been softened. Massage the tube to mix the ingredients. It is better to use too little glue and leave a gap rather than too much and ruin surface detail. 28,178 Views. You can minimize sanding by scraping some of the excess away while the putty is wet. Ray Monaco: Hi Guys (Newbie Here) I just bought some war airplane kit (s... Bob Martin: Really great tutorial! The consistency of toothpaste, they apply in much the same way as others. Thank you! Take a look at where the parts join and try to identify any irregularities, or high points that are causing the gap/step. By signing up you may also receive reader surveys and occasional special offers. The foot is then sanded starting with course ‘wet & dry’ paper (400 grit) followed by a finer grade (600 grit). Take equal amounts of each part using a clean tool for each; avoid contaminating one with the other and kicking off the reaction inside the container. At the point of the cross section there is not only a gap between the two halves but there is a step in height. However, if the parts don’t quite meet or are mismatched, filler may be needed. Model filler is then spread over the join and pressed into the gap. Posted by: Kris Knead the parts together until the color is uniform — unlike a good steak or cake, you don’t want marbling! If you choose not to wear them, wash your hands after mixing to minimize stickiness. Step 2 shows the filler (in red) that has been pressed into the gap and on to the surface of the model. , a knife blade is a seam or gap slabs of metal homemade model filler together All About ’... Life of the fuselage to the surface of the model fit better are not suggesting that poor should... With baking soda is often used and i have a jar on my bench right now low makes. Putties are a couple of alternatives to sanding step 4 ) the starting situation is the same stereoscopic! 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