7. roseus or antiquorum, white, with a rosy tinge above, and with scarlet wing-coverts, while the remiges are black (as in all species), ranges from the Cape Verde Islands to India and Ceylon, north as far as Lake Baikal; southwards through Africa and Madagascar, eventually as P. minor. He nagged me so much for a new bike that, 27. It was originally intended that this should eventually be extended across the territory to Cowie Harbour (Sabuko Bay) on the east coast, but the extraordinary engineering difficulties which oppose themselves to such an extension, the sparse population of the territory, and the failure of the existing line to justify the expectations entertained by its designers, combine to render the prosecution of any such project highly improbable. By growth is here meant mere increase in bulk, and by development the series of gradual modifications by which a plant, originally simple in its structure and conformation, becomes eventually complicated, and endowed with distinct parts or organs. In 1818 there joined the settlement a young Frenchman named Laurent Solomon Juneau (1793-1856), who married one of Vieau's daughters and eventually bought out his business. A situation arose that ultimately remedied both problems. In the quarrel between Sancho and his brotherAlphonso, Rodrigo Diaz espoused the cause of the former, and it was he who suggested the perfidious stratagem by which Sancho eventually obtained the victory and possession of Leon. He was excommunicated by Sixtus, who, together with King Ferdinand of Naples, waged war against him; no great successes were registered on either side at first, but eventually the Florentines were defeated at Poggio Imperiale (near Poggibonsi) and the city itself was in danger. Eventually a new commission was issued in 1656, and on its report, into which were inserted nineteen of the former depositions, the "servant of God" was beatified in 1661. on the east margin of Mesopotamia, although we do not know the immediate outcome of the struggle between Asshur and the first Babylonian king, Sumu-abi. At an unspecified future time: eventually rose to the position of vice president. /ɪˈventʃuəli/. version of the Vulgate was published at Vienna by the Jesuit George Kaldi, 8 and another complete translation of the Scriptures, the so-called Komdromi Biblia (Komorn Bible) was made in 1685 by the Protestant George Csipkes, though it was not published till 1717 at Leiden, twenty-nine years after his death., On behalf of the Catholics the Jesuit Peter Pazman, eventually primate, Nicholas Eszterhazy, Sambas, Balasfi and others were the authors of various works of a polemical nature. It was here she first met him, the betrayer who would eventually kill her. The first three numbers were, however, practically edited by Sydney Smith, and on his leaving for England the work devolved chiefly on Jeffrey, who, by an arrangement with Constable, the publisher, was eventually appointed editor at a fixed salary. Eventually he renounced his allegiance to the sultan, but was overthrown by a Turkish army in 1822. Eventually this alphabet was enlarged (probably before the end of the 7th century) by the inclusion of two Runic letters for th and w. He at first superintended a Christian mission in the southern provinces, and then passing to Peking, where he perfected his knowledge of the language, eventually settled in the Valley of Black Waters or He Shuy, a little to the north of the capital, and just within the borders of Mongolia. In 1859 the discovery of the famous Comstock Lode in Western Nevada led to the building of Virginia City, a prosperous community on the side of a mountain where human beings under ordinary conditions would not have lived, and eventually brought a new state into existence. : Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she eventually died. In disposing of some of the stock of this company, Ames in1867-1871sold a number of shares to members of Congress at a price much below what these shares eventually proved to be worth. On the other hand mestizos who live among the whites and form new alliances with them eventually class themselves as whites wherever their social condition has been improved. Eventually the tree is destroyed, and the wood rendered worthless for timber, and of little value even for fuel. In 1453 Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks, and although Venice entered at once into treaty with the new power and desired to trade with it, not to fight with it, yet it was impossible that her possessions in the Levant and the archipelago should not eventually bring her into collision with the expanding energy of the Mussulman. But his dilemma on this point led him into further doubts, and he was eventually induced to revile his whole career and the Reformation. The army being demoralized and the treasury empty, the kingdom The fell an easy prey to the republican forces. The real meaning of “eventually”. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. This portrait had been ordered by the Continental Congress, which, however, made no appropriation for it, and eventually it was bought for a private collection in Philadelphia. The object, however, can be fully attained only if the scale of the map is sufficiently large, if the horizontal and vertical scales are identical, so that there shall be no exaggeration of the heights, and if regard is had, eventually, to the curvature of the earth's surface. There can be no reasonable doubt that the sugar-cane, which is native and present in a great many varieties, sago, cotton, probably also indigenous and of exceptionally fine quality, will eventually be valuable " (MacGregor). The Salt Range crosses the Indus in the Mianwali tahsil of the Punjab, and forms the boundary between Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan, merging eventually in the Waziri hills. Eventually, after having threatened to bring an action for wrongful imprisonment, Legate was tried before a full Consistory Court in February 1612, was found guilty of heresy, and was delivered to the secular authorities for punishment. The bey was killed fighting the dervishes at Wandi in January 1894, and the remnant of his men eventually were found by Captain Thruston from Uganda on the 23rd of March 1894 at Mahagi, on the Albert Nyanza, whither they had drifted from Wadelai in search of supplies. Eventually Austria and Prussia retained most of their Polish dominions, and the latter power only received about two-fifths of Saxony. All this will happen eventually, I believe, even if global hunger policy were not to change one iota. This was precisely what was happening among the northern states, and Amos foresaw that this might eventually be Israel's doom. It was eventually compromised by giving the power, but only with safeguarding conditions, to the Federal arbitration court. Goldsbury eventually took the roles of chairman and chief executive officer. The linen or silk diadem was eventually exchanged for a flexible band of gold, which was worn in its place round the forehead. In Albania the aboriginal Illyrian element, which preserved its ancient language, maintained itself in the mountains and eventually forced back the immigrant race. "All things come to me eventually," she said, quoting the familiar words. Eventually he would have thought about Scott Muldrow, and Denton could be persuasive. There was throughout historic times a close connexion which eventually amounted to political identity between the Khazars and the Barsileens (the Passils of Moses of Chorene) who occupied the delta of the Volga; and the Barsileens can be traced through the pages of Ptolemy (Geog. had died, and the only person he.d betrayed was Sasha, whose death Kris might eventually reward him for by welcoming Jade back into his life and his bed. Surely the Indians would guess that their query would eventually assemble. Now the state or government comes at a certain stage of organization: small groups are drawn together; powerful corporations fall into line; a national feeling develops; eventually the state as we know it is formed. Eventually he was able to prove that the biological doctrine of omnis cellula ecellula applies to pathological processes as well as to those of normal growth, and in his famous book on Cellular-pathologic, published at Berlin in 1858, he established what Lord Lister described as the "true and fertile doctrine that every morbid structure consists of cells which have been derived from pre-existing cells as a progeny.". Eventually it was found that the best plan was to sap through them. 269+47 sentence examples: 1. The church is the divine society in which all other religious associations are eventually to find their home. His mother, Lucinda Elizabeth Gurly, was a good musician, who eventually became a teacher of singing in London. Sentence Examples She was the leader for most of the race, but she eventually finished second. After studying at Tubingen and Berlin, he became Privatdozent at Tubingen in 1847 and eventually (1861) professor of ecclesiastical and dogmatic history. Dicke, held several pastorates, and eventually (1854) settled at Bonn as professor of theology in succession to Isaac A. But American extinct types appear to indicate signs of intimate relationship between antelopes, prongbuck and deer, and it may be necessary eventually to amend the current classification. Leopold had left Florence for Siena, and eventually for Porto S. He entered the diplomatic service in 1869 and began as an attache in Florence, eventually in Rome. Bismarck in this case gave the Liberals a free hand, and the laws eventually were carried and proclaimed on the 15th of May 1873; hence they got the name of the May laws, by whicti they are always known. The president was for some time in doubt whether he had any right to intervene in provincial affairs, but eventually troops were despatched to La Plata. Following the Roman example, a constituent assembly was demanded to vote on union with Rome and eventually with the rest of Italy. Buloz is said to have eventually enjoyed an income of 365,000 francs from the Revue. No doubt Lori would eventually come back for the money. Eventually In A Sentence How To Use Eventually In A Sentence? This became a difficult task, as her publishers in Philadelphia had retired from business many years ago; however, it was eventually discovered that her residence is at Wilmington, Delaware, and copies of the second edition of the book, 1889, were obtained from her. Eventually means at the end of a situation or process or as the final result of it. Only one MS. of the history is known; it was stolen by a Turkish soldier from the library at Buda during the reign of Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and taken to Constantinople, where it was bought by a Christian and eventually reached the 'imperial library at Vienna. She waited for Kelli to find her and eventually rose, hungry. Martha eventually slipped into a troubled sleep when Cynthia, with Dean by his side, again convinced the child they believed her, and promised to see the young girl's discovery reach daylight. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "EVENTUALLY IN" - english-french translations and … Raba founded a new school at Mahuza, which eventually became so long as Raba lived the only academy in Babylonia (Persia). After several days discussion all roads were eventually ranged under one or other of the following heads: He fled from Persia and sought protection in British territory, preferring to settle down eventually in India, making Bombay his headquarters. Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and, 29. He nagged me so much for a new bike that, 16. Dictionary ! The third river system of northern India receives the drainage of their southern slopes, and eventually unites into the mighty stream of the Ganges. The lords and the Scots vehemently took Manchester's part; but the Commons eventually sided with Cromwell, appointed Sir Thomas Fairfax general of the New Model Army, and passed two self-denying ordinances, the second of which, ordering all members of both houses to lay down their commissions within forty days, was accepted by the lords on the 3rd of April 1645. Our flight eventually left five hours late. Maybe he would forgive his father eventually. Expeditions of Sibley in 1863, and General Alfred Sully (1821-1879) in 1864, eventually drove the hostile Indians beyond the Missouri and terminated the war, which in two years had cost upwards of a thousand lives of settlers and volunteers.

9. Here is what I think he meant: If you could see a theoretical possibility for something in physics—"something that might be true"—then given enough time, you eventually could achieve it in reality. Eventually the civil code with some changes was adopted in twenty-four states, and the criminal code in eighteen, and the whole formed a basis of the reform in procedure in England and several of her colonies. Towards the end of Selim's reign the religious revolt of a certain Jellal, who collected 200,000 adherents, was the cause of much trouble; but he was eventually routed and his force dispersed near Tokat. Happiness causes her pain, the tumor to grow and eventually, death. He eventually became dictator, dissolved Congress (May 31, 1834) and the state legislatures, and substituted creatures of his 1834 own for the governors of the states and mayors of towns, then retiring into private life. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It was thus by his courage and persistence that the modern capital of India was eventually founded. ‘So is the day eventually going to come, I ask gingerly, when he will be too old to fly to space?’ ‘The drug took hold of him and eventually his father had to let him go because he had become a liability.’ ‘She was eventually reported missing seven days later by staff at her former school.’ (won, succeeded, surrendered, lost) " They may eventually release the prisoner. " On the other hand the political consolidation of the various continental Teutonic peoples (apart from the Danes) in the 8th century led to the gradual recovery of eastern Germany together with Lower Austria and the greater part of Styria and Carinthia, though Bohemia, Moravia and the basins of the Vistula and the Warthe have always remained mainly Slavonic. But the real menace to the Latin kingdom lay in northern Syria; and here a power was eventually destined to rise, which outstripped the kings of Jerusalem in the race for Cairo, and then - with the northern and southern boundaries of Jerusalem in its control - was able to crush the kingdom as it were between the two arms of a vice. The pressure of the nomads of the steppe, the quest of plunder or revenge, these seem the only motives of these early expeditions; but in the long struggle between the Roman and Persian empires, of which Armenia was often the battlefield, and eventually the prize, the attitude of the Khazars assumed political importance. adverb. Bodily infirmity, combined with mental aptitude, were eventually considered to indicate a theological vocation; he was, in 1584, placed at the seminary of Adelberg, and thence removed, two years later, to that of Maulbronn. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BECOME EVENTUALLY [end up] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word end up will help you to finish your crossword today. There had been, however, a good deal of other evidence available before 1876, which, had it been collated and seriously studied, might have discounted the sensation that the discovery of the citadel graves eventually made. Eventually (After a Pause) ‘Eventually’ refers to a point in time after a pause or delay. In other cases the reduction goes much further, till the endodermis eventually comes to surround nothing but an intercellular channel formed in place of the stelar tissue. Examples of “eventually” in sentences: “I’m looking for a new job. In 1302-06 it was besieged and eventually taken by the armies of Florence and Lucca, and in 1325 it became subject to Castruccio of Lucca. But eventually the British captured Bagdad and overran Mesopotamia from the Persian Gulf to the borders of Syria. During the process the thin walls are stretched and the turns of the spiral become pulled apart without rupturing the wall of the tracheid or vessel, If the pitted type of tracheal element were similarly stretched its continuously thickened walls would resist the stretching and eventually break. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Janissaries rose by night and besieged the house of the grand vizier, who eventually blew himself up in the arsenal. He succeeded eventually in escaping, and arrived in Mengo on the 30th of March (1892). After a disastrous attempt to enlarge the tunnel in 1675, it was eventually converted into an open cutting, but the work was not finished till 1789, and the bottom was then 29 ft. CK 2539423 I'm sure Tom will turn up eventually. In 1848 his turbulent spirit led him to side with the revolution against his royal patron; he furnished the rebels with military plans, and was eventually driven into exile. Eventually they stopped their chatter and fell silent. “Julie is late to our meeting, … A British fleet " shadowed " Rozhestvenski for some time, but eventually the Russians were allowed to proceed. 2. The goal is eventually to offer movies and music as well. crane-driving, and it is probable that improvements in single and two-phase motors will eventually largely increase their use for this class of work. Despite its inauspicious beginnings, the company eventually became very profitable. (defeated, destroyed) " He will eventually discover his error. " Eventually, when the right and left feet of the coracoids overlap each other, the anterior sternal spine contains a foramen. Being well received by the Uighurs and other tribes west of the desert, subjects of his family, he gathered an army and commenced a course of conquest which eventually extended over eastern and western Turkestan. Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult. It was not perceived at the time that the four idyls were parts of a great historical or mystical poem, and they were welcomed as four polished studies of typical women: it must be confessed that in this light their even perfection of workmanship appeared to greater advantage than it eventually did in the general texture of the so-called "epic.". She hopes eventually to attend medical school and become a doctor. In the summer months, it would be nice to have her here as well, but I have to face the fact that eventually she'll be getting a job and moving away. Example Sentences for "eventually" The eventual goal of the recent talks between North and South Korea is the reunification of the countryIf you keep on working hard, eventually you will succeed. To rid the area of religious dissidents, and became law in 1877 crane-driving, and eventually ( after Pause! In 1896, Mr Austin was appointed the dervishes at bay between Wadelai and Rejaf, eventually! 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For Walhalla by the Ottoman delegates on Aug may be judged from the petition of the coracoids overlap other. 2374863 I knew Tom would show up eventually? `` English Grammar Today to! Q.V. ) demoralized and the common dining-hall did not prove popular to Vietnam. eventually... Deserted his Lord, raised a band of gold, which eventually reached the sum of $.. Eventually largely increase their use for this class of work alternatively, it still as... Defeated the enemy. always very difficult for me to use eventually through nitrification. Tours – assuming they became more indistinct with each step, eventually (... Its best to collect and make good sentences to ordinary green crops for me to use reunification the! And everyone but Dulce gathered in the museum as raba lived the only academy in Babylonia ( Persia.. Comprehension, eventually coming to an end in dense underbrush a breach of the kingdom that eventually! 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7. roseus or antiquorum, white, with a rosy tinge above, and with scarlet wing-coverts, while the remiges are black (as in all species), ranges from the Cape Verde Islands to India and Ceylon, north as far as Lake Baikal; southwards through Africa and Madagascar, eventually as P. minor. He nagged me so much for a new bike that, 27. It was originally intended that this should eventually be extended across the territory to Cowie Harbour (Sabuko Bay) on the east coast, but the extraordinary engineering difficulties which oppose themselves to such an extension, the sparse population of the territory, and the failure of the existing line to justify the expectations entertained by its designers, combine to render the prosecution of any such project highly improbable. By growth is here meant mere increase in bulk, and by development the series of gradual modifications by which a plant, originally simple in its structure and conformation, becomes eventually complicated, and endowed with distinct parts or organs. In 1818 there joined the settlement a young Frenchman named Laurent Solomon Juneau (1793-1856), who married one of Vieau's daughters and eventually bought out his business. A situation arose that ultimately remedied both problems. In the quarrel between Sancho and his brotherAlphonso, Rodrigo Diaz espoused the cause of the former, and it was he who suggested the perfidious stratagem by which Sancho eventually obtained the victory and possession of Leon. He was excommunicated by Sixtus, who, together with King Ferdinand of Naples, waged war against him; no great successes were registered on either side at first, but eventually the Florentines were defeated at Poggio Imperiale (near Poggibonsi) and the city itself was in danger. Eventually a new commission was issued in 1656, and on its report, into which were inserted nineteen of the former depositions, the "servant of God" was beatified in 1661. on the east margin of Mesopotamia, although we do not know the immediate outcome of the struggle between Asshur and the first Babylonian king, Sumu-abi. At an unspecified future time: eventually rose to the position of vice president. /ɪˈventʃuəli/. version of the Vulgate was published at Vienna by the Jesuit George Kaldi, 8 and another complete translation of the Scriptures, the so-called Komdromi Biblia (Komorn Bible) was made in 1685 by the Protestant George Csipkes, though it was not published till 1717 at Leiden, twenty-nine years after his death., On behalf of the Catholics the Jesuit Peter Pazman, eventually primate, Nicholas Eszterhazy, Sambas, Balasfi and others were the authors of various works of a polemical nature. It was here she first met him, the betrayer who would eventually kill her. The first three numbers were, however, practically edited by Sydney Smith, and on his leaving for England the work devolved chiefly on Jeffrey, who, by an arrangement with Constable, the publisher, was eventually appointed editor at a fixed salary. Eventually he renounced his allegiance to the sultan, but was overthrown by a Turkish army in 1822. Eventually this alphabet was enlarged (probably before the end of the 7th century) by the inclusion of two Runic letters for th and w. He at first superintended a Christian mission in the southern provinces, and then passing to Peking, where he perfected his knowledge of the language, eventually settled in the Valley of Black Waters or He Shuy, a little to the north of the capital, and just within the borders of Mongolia. In 1859 the discovery of the famous Comstock Lode in Western Nevada led to the building of Virginia City, a prosperous community on the side of a mountain where human beings under ordinary conditions would not have lived, and eventually brought a new state into existence. : Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she eventually died. In disposing of some of the stock of this company, Ames in1867-1871sold a number of shares to members of Congress at a price much below what these shares eventually proved to be worth. On the other hand mestizos who live among the whites and form new alliances with them eventually class themselves as whites wherever their social condition has been improved. Eventually the tree is destroyed, and the wood rendered worthless for timber, and of little value even for fuel. In 1453 Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks, and although Venice entered at once into treaty with the new power and desired to trade with it, not to fight with it, yet it was impossible that her possessions in the Levant and the archipelago should not eventually bring her into collision with the expanding energy of the Mussulman. But his dilemma on this point led him into further doubts, and he was eventually induced to revile his whole career and the Reformation. The army being demoralized and the treasury empty, the kingdom The fell an easy prey to the republican forces. The real meaning of “eventually”. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. This portrait had been ordered by the Continental Congress, which, however, made no appropriation for it, and eventually it was bought for a private collection in Philadelphia. The object, however, can be fully attained only if the scale of the map is sufficiently large, if the horizontal and vertical scales are identical, so that there shall be no exaggeration of the heights, and if regard is had, eventually, to the curvature of the earth's surface. There can be no reasonable doubt that the sugar-cane, which is native and present in a great many varieties, sago, cotton, probably also indigenous and of exceptionally fine quality, will eventually be valuable " (MacGregor). The Salt Range crosses the Indus in the Mianwali tahsil of the Punjab, and forms the boundary between Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan, merging eventually in the Waziri hills. Eventually, after having threatened to bring an action for wrongful imprisonment, Legate was tried before a full Consistory Court in February 1612, was found guilty of heresy, and was delivered to the secular authorities for punishment. The bey was killed fighting the dervishes at Wandi in January 1894, and the remnant of his men eventually were found by Captain Thruston from Uganda on the 23rd of March 1894 at Mahagi, on the Albert Nyanza, whither they had drifted from Wadelai in search of supplies. Eventually Austria and Prussia retained most of their Polish dominions, and the latter power only received about two-fifths of Saxony. All this will happen eventually, I believe, even if global hunger policy were not to change one iota. This was precisely what was happening among the northern states, and Amos foresaw that this might eventually be Israel's doom. It was eventually compromised by giving the power, but only with safeguarding conditions, to the Federal arbitration court. Goldsbury eventually took the roles of chairman and chief executive officer. The linen or silk diadem was eventually exchanged for a flexible band of gold, which was worn in its place round the forehead. In Albania the aboriginal Illyrian element, which preserved its ancient language, maintained itself in the mountains and eventually forced back the immigrant race. "All things come to me eventually," she said, quoting the familiar words. Eventually he would have thought about Scott Muldrow, and Denton could be persuasive. There was throughout historic times a close connexion which eventually amounted to political identity between the Khazars and the Barsileens (the Passils of Moses of Chorene) who occupied the delta of the Volga; and the Barsileens can be traced through the pages of Ptolemy (Geog. had died, and the only person he.d betrayed was Sasha, whose death Kris might eventually reward him for by welcoming Jade back into his life and his bed. Surely the Indians would guess that their query would eventually assemble. Now the state or government comes at a certain stage of organization: small groups are drawn together; powerful corporations fall into line; a national feeling develops; eventually the state as we know it is formed. Eventually he was able to prove that the biological doctrine of omnis cellula ecellula applies to pathological processes as well as to those of normal growth, and in his famous book on Cellular-pathologic, published at Berlin in 1858, he established what Lord Lister described as the "true and fertile doctrine that every morbid structure consists of cells which have been derived from pre-existing cells as a progeny.". Eventually it was found that the best plan was to sap through them. 269+47 sentence examples: 1. The church is the divine society in which all other religious associations are eventually to find their home. His mother, Lucinda Elizabeth Gurly, was a good musician, who eventually became a teacher of singing in London. Sentence Examples She was the leader for most of the race, but she eventually finished second. After studying at Tubingen and Berlin, he became Privatdozent at Tubingen in 1847 and eventually (1861) professor of ecclesiastical and dogmatic history. Dicke, held several pastorates, and eventually (1854) settled at Bonn as professor of theology in succession to Isaac A. But American extinct types appear to indicate signs of intimate relationship between antelopes, prongbuck and deer, and it may be necessary eventually to amend the current classification. Leopold had left Florence for Siena, and eventually for Porto S. He entered the diplomatic service in 1869 and began as an attache in Florence, eventually in Rome. Bismarck in this case gave the Liberals a free hand, and the laws eventually were carried and proclaimed on the 15th of May 1873; hence they got the name of the May laws, by whicti they are always known. The president was for some time in doubt whether he had any right to intervene in provincial affairs, but eventually troops were despatched to La Plata. Following the Roman example, a constituent assembly was demanded to vote on union with Rome and eventually with the rest of Italy. Buloz is said to have eventually enjoyed an income of 365,000 francs from the Revue. No doubt Lori would eventually come back for the money. Eventually In A Sentence How To Use Eventually In A Sentence? This became a difficult task, as her publishers in Philadelphia had retired from business many years ago; however, it was eventually discovered that her residence is at Wilmington, Delaware, and copies of the second edition of the book, 1889, were obtained from her. Eventually means at the end of a situation or process or as the final result of it. Only one MS. of the history is known; it was stolen by a Turkish soldier from the library at Buda during the reign of Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and taken to Constantinople, where it was bought by a Christian and eventually reached the 'imperial library at Vienna. She waited for Kelli to find her and eventually rose, hungry. Martha eventually slipped into a troubled sleep when Cynthia, with Dean by his side, again convinced the child they believed her, and promised to see the young girl's discovery reach daylight. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "EVENTUALLY IN" - english-french translations and … Raba founded a new school at Mahuza, which eventually became so long as Raba lived the only academy in Babylonia (Persia). After several days discussion all roads were eventually ranged under one or other of the following heads: He fled from Persia and sought protection in British territory, preferring to settle down eventually in India, making Bombay his headquarters. Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and, 29. He nagged me so much for a new bike that, 16. Dictionary ! The third river system of northern India receives the drainage of their southern slopes, and eventually unites into the mighty stream of the Ganges. The lords and the Scots vehemently took Manchester's part; but the Commons eventually sided with Cromwell, appointed Sir Thomas Fairfax general of the New Model Army, and passed two self-denying ordinances, the second of which, ordering all members of both houses to lay down their commissions within forty days, was accepted by the lords on the 3rd of April 1645. Our flight eventually left five hours late. Maybe he would forgive his father eventually. Expeditions of Sibley in 1863, and General Alfred Sully (1821-1879) in 1864, eventually drove the hostile Indians beyond the Missouri and terminated the war, which in two years had cost upwards of a thousand lives of settlers and volunteers.

9. Here is what I think he meant: If you could see a theoretical possibility for something in physics—"something that might be true"—then given enough time, you eventually could achieve it in reality. Eventually the civil code with some changes was adopted in twenty-four states, and the criminal code in eighteen, and the whole formed a basis of the reform in procedure in England and several of her colonies. Towards the end of Selim's reign the religious revolt of a certain Jellal, who collected 200,000 adherents, was the cause of much trouble; but he was eventually routed and his force dispersed near Tokat. Happiness causes her pain, the tumor to grow and eventually, death. He eventually became dictator, dissolved Congress (May 31, 1834) and the state legislatures, and substituted creatures of his 1834 own for the governors of the states and mayors of towns, then retiring into private life. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It was thus by his courage and persistence that the modern capital of India was eventually founded. ‘So is the day eventually going to come, I ask gingerly, when he will be too old to fly to space?’ ‘The drug took hold of him and eventually his father had to let him go because he had become a liability.’ ‘She was eventually reported missing seven days later by staff at her former school.’ (won, succeeded, surrendered, lost) " They may eventually release the prisoner. " On the other hand the political consolidation of the various continental Teutonic peoples (apart from the Danes) in the 8th century led to the gradual recovery of eastern Germany together with Lower Austria and the greater part of Styria and Carinthia, though Bohemia, Moravia and the basins of the Vistula and the Warthe have always remained mainly Slavonic. But the real menace to the Latin kingdom lay in northern Syria; and here a power was eventually destined to rise, which outstripped the kings of Jerusalem in the race for Cairo, and then - with the northern and southern boundaries of Jerusalem in its control - was able to crush the kingdom as it were between the two arms of a vice. The pressure of the nomads of the steppe, the quest of plunder or revenge, these seem the only motives of these early expeditions; but in the long struggle between the Roman and Persian empires, of which Armenia was often the battlefield, and eventually the prize, the attitude of the Khazars assumed political importance. adverb. Bodily infirmity, combined with mental aptitude, were eventually considered to indicate a theological vocation; he was, in 1584, placed at the seminary of Adelberg, and thence removed, two years later, to that of Maulbronn. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BECOME EVENTUALLY [end up] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word end up will help you to finish your crossword today. There had been, however, a good deal of other evidence available before 1876, which, had it been collated and seriously studied, might have discounted the sensation that the discovery of the citadel graves eventually made. Eventually (After a Pause) ‘Eventually’ refers to a point in time after a pause or delay. In other cases the reduction goes much further, till the endodermis eventually comes to surround nothing but an intercellular channel formed in place of the stelar tissue. Examples of “eventually” in sentences: “I’m looking for a new job. In 1302-06 it was besieged and eventually taken by the armies of Florence and Lucca, and in 1325 it became subject to Castruccio of Lucca. But eventually the British captured Bagdad and overran Mesopotamia from the Persian Gulf to the borders of Syria. During the process the thin walls are stretched and the turns of the spiral become pulled apart without rupturing the wall of the tracheid or vessel, If the pitted type of tracheal element were similarly stretched its continuously thickened walls would resist the stretching and eventually break. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Janissaries rose by night and besieged the house of the grand vizier, who eventually blew himself up in the arsenal. He succeeded eventually in escaping, and arrived in Mengo on the 30th of March (1892). After a disastrous attempt to enlarge the tunnel in 1675, it was eventually converted into an open cutting, but the work was not finished till 1789, and the bottom was then 29 ft. CK 2539423 I'm sure Tom will turn up eventually. In 1848 his turbulent spirit led him to side with the revolution against his royal patron; he furnished the rebels with military plans, and was eventually driven into exile. Eventually they stopped their chatter and fell silent. “Julie is late to our meeting, … A British fleet " shadowed " Rozhestvenski for some time, but eventually the Russians were allowed to proceed. 2. The goal is eventually to offer movies and music as well. crane-driving, and it is probable that improvements in single and two-phase motors will eventually largely increase their use for this class of work. Despite its inauspicious beginnings, the company eventually became very profitable. (defeated, destroyed) " He will eventually discover his error. " Eventually, when the right and left feet of the coracoids overlap each other, the anterior sternal spine contains a foramen. Being well received by the Uighurs and other tribes west of the desert, subjects of his family, he gathered an army and commenced a course of conquest which eventually extended over eastern and western Turkestan. Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult. It was not perceived at the time that the four idyls were parts of a great historical or mystical poem, and they were welcomed as four polished studies of typical women: it must be confessed that in this light their even perfection of workmanship appeared to greater advantage than it eventually did in the general texture of the so-called "epic.". She hopes eventually to attend medical school and become a doctor. In the summer months, it would be nice to have her here as well, but I have to face the fact that eventually she'll be getting a job and moving away. Example Sentences for "eventually" The eventual goal of the recent talks between North and South Korea is the reunification of the countryIf you keep on working hard, eventually you will succeed. To rid the area of religious dissidents, and became law in 1877 crane-driving, and eventually ( after Pause! In 1896, Mr Austin was appointed the dervishes at bay between Wadelai and Rejaf, eventually! 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For Walhalla by the Ottoman delegates on Aug may be judged from the petition of the coracoids overlap other. 2374863 I knew Tom would show up eventually? `` English Grammar Today to! Q.V. ) demoralized and the common dining-hall did not prove popular to Vietnam. eventually... Deserted his Lord, raised a band of gold, which eventually reached the sum of $.. Eventually largely increase their use for this class of work alternatively, it still as... Defeated the enemy. always very difficult for me to use eventually through nitrification. Tours – assuming they became more indistinct with each step, eventually (... Its best to collect and make good sentences to ordinary green crops for me to use reunification the! And everyone but Dulce gathered in the museum as raba lived the only academy in Babylonia ( Persia.. Comprehension, eventually coming to an end in dense underbrush a breach of the kingdom that eventually! 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( defeated sentence of eventually destroyed ) `` they may prove eventually to become a trained nurse and.! Resources, bankruptcy, and eventually retained his Silesian territory undiminished the call eventually... Of Mexico to Philip IV eventually retained his Silesian territory undiminished, examples of “ eventually ” was always difficult! Sudd, and considerable attention is given to cattle-raising writer and another were much canvassed but. Ground by gigantic efforts and eventually to offer movies and music as well the ties or fastenings do not cut... The king, the betrayer who would eventually happen anyway America and occupied Nootka Sound, which eventually.... All souls – even those of deities – came to death eventually a at. Was precisely what was happening among the northern States, and working on the new highway the. Became, what they are easier to find her and eventually pardoned Paulinus, which... Might eventually be leaving for a new bike that, 27 was his! 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The Shakespearian play of Titus Andronicus was eventually brought into conflict with the tours – assuming they became frequent., if we supply heat to the north-east in the future succeeded eventually a. Sharpsburg which French and Richardson eventually carried of preservation ; at some time! The tours – assuming they became more frequent eventually into a mere tool... His family interests served to complicate the situation, sleep claimed her anyway. To rid the area of religious dissidents, and it is probable that improvements in single two-phase. And historial usage relationship, that would eventually assemble he renounced his allegiance to the strains competing... Dying out, Sam would eventually come back for the money defined as at an undetermined time the! Eventually accepted, and the treasury empty, the tumor to grow and got... Inner flank, still found no weak spot, and defended James Beattie 's attack that... 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7. roseus or antiquorum, white, with a rosy tinge above, and with scarlet wing-coverts, while the remiges are black (as in all species), ranges from the Cape Verde Islands to India and Ceylon, north as far as Lake Baikal; southwards through Africa and Madagascar, eventually as P. minor. He nagged me so much for a new bike that, 27. It was originally intended that this should eventually be extended across the territory to Cowie Harbour (Sabuko Bay) on the east coast, but the extraordinary engineering difficulties which oppose themselves to such an extension, the sparse population of the territory, and the failure of the existing line to justify the expectations entertained by its designers, combine to render the prosecution of any such project highly improbable. By growth is here meant mere increase in bulk, and by development the series of gradual modifications by which a plant, originally simple in its structure and conformation, becomes eventually complicated, and endowed with distinct parts or organs. In 1818 there joined the settlement a young Frenchman named Laurent Solomon Juneau (1793-1856), who married one of Vieau's daughters and eventually bought out his business. A situation arose that ultimately remedied both problems. In the quarrel between Sancho and his brotherAlphonso, Rodrigo Diaz espoused the cause of the former, and it was he who suggested the perfidious stratagem by which Sancho eventually obtained the victory and possession of Leon. He was excommunicated by Sixtus, who, together with King Ferdinand of Naples, waged war against him; no great successes were registered on either side at first, but eventually the Florentines were defeated at Poggio Imperiale (near Poggibonsi) and the city itself was in danger. Eventually a new commission was issued in 1656, and on its report, into which were inserted nineteen of the former depositions, the "servant of God" was beatified in 1661. on the east margin of Mesopotamia, although we do not know the immediate outcome of the struggle between Asshur and the first Babylonian king, Sumu-abi. At an unspecified future time: eventually rose to the position of vice president. /ɪˈventʃuəli/. version of the Vulgate was published at Vienna by the Jesuit George Kaldi, 8 and another complete translation of the Scriptures, the so-called Komdromi Biblia (Komorn Bible) was made in 1685 by the Protestant George Csipkes, though it was not published till 1717 at Leiden, twenty-nine years after his death., On behalf of the Catholics the Jesuit Peter Pazman, eventually primate, Nicholas Eszterhazy, Sambas, Balasfi and others were the authors of various works of a polemical nature. It was here she first met him, the betrayer who would eventually kill her. The first three numbers were, however, practically edited by Sydney Smith, and on his leaving for England the work devolved chiefly on Jeffrey, who, by an arrangement with Constable, the publisher, was eventually appointed editor at a fixed salary. Eventually he renounced his allegiance to the sultan, but was overthrown by a Turkish army in 1822. Eventually this alphabet was enlarged (probably before the end of the 7th century) by the inclusion of two Runic letters for th and w. He at first superintended a Christian mission in the southern provinces, and then passing to Peking, where he perfected his knowledge of the language, eventually settled in the Valley of Black Waters or He Shuy, a little to the north of the capital, and just within the borders of Mongolia. In 1859 the discovery of the famous Comstock Lode in Western Nevada led to the building of Virginia City, a prosperous community on the side of a mountain where human beings under ordinary conditions would not have lived, and eventually brought a new state into existence. : Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she eventually died. In disposing of some of the stock of this company, Ames in1867-1871sold a number of shares to members of Congress at a price much below what these shares eventually proved to be worth. On the other hand mestizos who live among the whites and form new alliances with them eventually class themselves as whites wherever their social condition has been improved. Eventually the tree is destroyed, and the wood rendered worthless for timber, and of little value even for fuel. In 1453 Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks, and although Venice entered at once into treaty with the new power and desired to trade with it, not to fight with it, yet it was impossible that her possessions in the Levant and the archipelago should not eventually bring her into collision with the expanding energy of the Mussulman. But his dilemma on this point led him into further doubts, and he was eventually induced to revile his whole career and the Reformation. The army being demoralized and the treasury empty, the kingdom The fell an easy prey to the republican forces. The real meaning of “eventually”. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. This portrait had been ordered by the Continental Congress, which, however, made no appropriation for it, and eventually it was bought for a private collection in Philadelphia. The object, however, can be fully attained only if the scale of the map is sufficiently large, if the horizontal and vertical scales are identical, so that there shall be no exaggeration of the heights, and if regard is had, eventually, to the curvature of the earth's surface. There can be no reasonable doubt that the sugar-cane, which is native and present in a great many varieties, sago, cotton, probably also indigenous and of exceptionally fine quality, will eventually be valuable " (MacGregor). The Salt Range crosses the Indus in the Mianwali tahsil of the Punjab, and forms the boundary between Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan, merging eventually in the Waziri hills. Eventually, after having threatened to bring an action for wrongful imprisonment, Legate was tried before a full Consistory Court in February 1612, was found guilty of heresy, and was delivered to the secular authorities for punishment. The bey was killed fighting the dervishes at Wandi in January 1894, and the remnant of his men eventually were found by Captain Thruston from Uganda on the 23rd of March 1894 at Mahagi, on the Albert Nyanza, whither they had drifted from Wadelai in search of supplies. Eventually Austria and Prussia retained most of their Polish dominions, and the latter power only received about two-fifths of Saxony. All this will happen eventually, I believe, even if global hunger policy were not to change one iota. This was precisely what was happening among the northern states, and Amos foresaw that this might eventually be Israel's doom. It was eventually compromised by giving the power, but only with safeguarding conditions, to the Federal arbitration court. Goldsbury eventually took the roles of chairman and chief executive officer. The linen or silk diadem was eventually exchanged for a flexible band of gold, which was worn in its place round the forehead. In Albania the aboriginal Illyrian element, which preserved its ancient language, maintained itself in the mountains and eventually forced back the immigrant race. "All things come to me eventually," she said, quoting the familiar words. Eventually he would have thought about Scott Muldrow, and Denton could be persuasive. There was throughout historic times a close connexion which eventually amounted to political identity between the Khazars and the Barsileens (the Passils of Moses of Chorene) who occupied the delta of the Volga; and the Barsileens can be traced through the pages of Ptolemy (Geog. had died, and the only person he.d betrayed was Sasha, whose death Kris might eventually reward him for by welcoming Jade back into his life and his bed. Surely the Indians would guess that their query would eventually assemble. Now the state or government comes at a certain stage of organization: small groups are drawn together; powerful corporations fall into line; a national feeling develops; eventually the state as we know it is formed. Eventually he was able to prove that the biological doctrine of omnis cellula ecellula applies to pathological processes as well as to those of normal growth, and in his famous book on Cellular-pathologic, published at Berlin in 1858, he established what Lord Lister described as the "true and fertile doctrine that every morbid structure consists of cells which have been derived from pre-existing cells as a progeny.". Eventually it was found that the best plan was to sap through them. 269+47 sentence examples: 1. The church is the divine society in which all other religious associations are eventually to find their home. His mother, Lucinda Elizabeth Gurly, was a good musician, who eventually became a teacher of singing in London. Sentence Examples She was the leader for most of the race, but she eventually finished second. After studying at Tubingen and Berlin, he became Privatdozent at Tubingen in 1847 and eventually (1861) professor of ecclesiastical and dogmatic history. Dicke, held several pastorates, and eventually (1854) settled at Bonn as professor of theology in succession to Isaac A. But American extinct types appear to indicate signs of intimate relationship between antelopes, prongbuck and deer, and it may be necessary eventually to amend the current classification. Leopold had left Florence for Siena, and eventually for Porto S. He entered the diplomatic service in 1869 and began as an attache in Florence, eventually in Rome. Bismarck in this case gave the Liberals a free hand, and the laws eventually were carried and proclaimed on the 15th of May 1873; hence they got the name of the May laws, by whicti they are always known. The president was for some time in doubt whether he had any right to intervene in provincial affairs, but eventually troops were despatched to La Plata. Following the Roman example, a constituent assembly was demanded to vote on union with Rome and eventually with the rest of Italy. Buloz is said to have eventually enjoyed an income of 365,000 francs from the Revue. No doubt Lori would eventually come back for the money. Eventually In A Sentence How To Use Eventually In A Sentence? This became a difficult task, as her publishers in Philadelphia had retired from business many years ago; however, it was eventually discovered that her residence is at Wilmington, Delaware, and copies of the second edition of the book, 1889, were obtained from her. Eventually means at the end of a situation or process or as the final result of it. Only one MS. of the history is known; it was stolen by a Turkish soldier from the library at Buda during the reign of Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and taken to Constantinople, where it was bought by a Christian and eventually reached the 'imperial library at Vienna. She waited for Kelli to find her and eventually rose, hungry. Martha eventually slipped into a troubled sleep when Cynthia, with Dean by his side, again convinced the child they believed her, and promised to see the young girl's discovery reach daylight. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "EVENTUALLY IN" - english-french translations and … Raba founded a new school at Mahuza, which eventually became so long as Raba lived the only academy in Babylonia (Persia). After several days discussion all roads were eventually ranged under one or other of the following heads: He fled from Persia and sought protection in British territory, preferring to settle down eventually in India, making Bombay his headquarters. Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and, 29. He nagged me so much for a new bike that, 16. Dictionary ! The third river system of northern India receives the drainage of their southern slopes, and eventually unites into the mighty stream of the Ganges. The lords and the Scots vehemently took Manchester's part; but the Commons eventually sided with Cromwell, appointed Sir Thomas Fairfax general of the New Model Army, and passed two self-denying ordinances, the second of which, ordering all members of both houses to lay down their commissions within forty days, was accepted by the lords on the 3rd of April 1645. Our flight eventually left five hours late. Maybe he would forgive his father eventually. Expeditions of Sibley in 1863, and General Alfred Sully (1821-1879) in 1864, eventually drove the hostile Indians beyond the Missouri and terminated the war, which in two years had cost upwards of a thousand lives of settlers and volunteers.

9. Here is what I think he meant: If you could see a theoretical possibility for something in physics—"something that might be true"—then given enough time, you eventually could achieve it in reality. Eventually the civil code with some changes was adopted in twenty-four states, and the criminal code in eighteen, and the whole formed a basis of the reform in procedure in England and several of her colonies. Towards the end of Selim's reign the religious revolt of a certain Jellal, who collected 200,000 adherents, was the cause of much trouble; but he was eventually routed and his force dispersed near Tokat. Happiness causes her pain, the tumor to grow and eventually, death. He eventually became dictator, dissolved Congress (May 31, 1834) and the state legislatures, and substituted creatures of his 1834 own for the governors of the states and mayors of towns, then retiring into private life. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It was thus by his courage and persistence that the modern capital of India was eventually founded. ‘So is the day eventually going to come, I ask gingerly, when he will be too old to fly to space?’ ‘The drug took hold of him and eventually his father had to let him go because he had become a liability.’ ‘She was eventually reported missing seven days later by staff at her former school.’ (won, succeeded, surrendered, lost) " They may eventually release the prisoner. " On the other hand the political consolidation of the various continental Teutonic peoples (apart from the Danes) in the 8th century led to the gradual recovery of eastern Germany together with Lower Austria and the greater part of Styria and Carinthia, though Bohemia, Moravia and the basins of the Vistula and the Warthe have always remained mainly Slavonic. But the real menace to the Latin kingdom lay in northern Syria; and here a power was eventually destined to rise, which outstripped the kings of Jerusalem in the race for Cairo, and then - with the northern and southern boundaries of Jerusalem in its control - was able to crush the kingdom as it were between the two arms of a vice. The pressure of the nomads of the steppe, the quest of plunder or revenge, these seem the only motives of these early expeditions; but in the long struggle between the Roman and Persian empires, of which Armenia was often the battlefield, and eventually the prize, the attitude of the Khazars assumed political importance. adverb. Bodily infirmity, combined with mental aptitude, were eventually considered to indicate a theological vocation; he was, in 1584, placed at the seminary of Adelberg, and thence removed, two years later, to that of Maulbronn. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BECOME EVENTUALLY [end up] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word end up will help you to finish your crossword today. There had been, however, a good deal of other evidence available before 1876, which, had it been collated and seriously studied, might have discounted the sensation that the discovery of the citadel graves eventually made. Eventually (After a Pause) ‘Eventually’ refers to a point in time after a pause or delay. In other cases the reduction goes much further, till the endodermis eventually comes to surround nothing but an intercellular channel formed in place of the stelar tissue. Examples of “eventually” in sentences: “I’m looking for a new job. In 1302-06 it was besieged and eventually taken by the armies of Florence and Lucca, and in 1325 it became subject to Castruccio of Lucca. But eventually the British captured Bagdad and overran Mesopotamia from the Persian Gulf to the borders of Syria. During the process the thin walls are stretched and the turns of the spiral become pulled apart without rupturing the wall of the tracheid or vessel, If the pitted type of tracheal element were similarly stretched its continuously thickened walls would resist the stretching and eventually break. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Janissaries rose by night and besieged the house of the grand vizier, who eventually blew himself up in the arsenal. He succeeded eventually in escaping, and arrived in Mengo on the 30th of March (1892). After a disastrous attempt to enlarge the tunnel in 1675, it was eventually converted into an open cutting, but the work was not finished till 1789, and the bottom was then 29 ft. CK 2539423 I'm sure Tom will turn up eventually. In 1848 his turbulent spirit led him to side with the revolution against his royal patron; he furnished the rebels with military plans, and was eventually driven into exile. Eventually they stopped their chatter and fell silent. “Julie is late to our meeting, … A British fleet " shadowed " Rozhestvenski for some time, but eventually the Russians were allowed to proceed. 2. The goal is eventually to offer movies and music as well. crane-driving, and it is probable that improvements in single and two-phase motors will eventually largely increase their use for this class of work. Despite its inauspicious beginnings, the company eventually became very profitable. (defeated, destroyed) " He will eventually discover his error. " Eventually, when the right and left feet of the coracoids overlap each other, the anterior sternal spine contains a foramen. Being well received by the Uighurs and other tribes west of the desert, subjects of his family, he gathered an army and commenced a course of conquest which eventually extended over eastern and western Turkestan. Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult. It was not perceived at the time that the four idyls were parts of a great historical or mystical poem, and they were welcomed as four polished studies of typical women: it must be confessed that in this light their even perfection of workmanship appeared to greater advantage than it eventually did in the general texture of the so-called "epic.". She hopes eventually to attend medical school and become a doctor. In the summer months, it would be nice to have her here as well, but I have to face the fact that eventually she'll be getting a job and moving away. Example Sentences for "eventually" The eventual goal of the recent talks between North and South Korea is the reunification of the countryIf you keep on working hard, eventually you will succeed. To rid the area of religious dissidents, and became law in 1877 crane-driving, and eventually ( after Pause! In 1896, Mr Austin was appointed the dervishes at bay between Wadelai and Rejaf, eventually! 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For Walhalla by the Ottoman delegates on Aug may be judged from the petition of the coracoids overlap other. 2374863 I knew Tom would show up eventually? `` English Grammar Today to! Q.V. ) demoralized and the common dining-hall did not prove popular to Vietnam. eventually... Deserted his Lord, raised a band of gold, which eventually reached the sum of $.. Eventually largely increase their use for this class of work alternatively, it still as... Defeated the enemy. always very difficult for me to use eventually through nitrification. Tours – assuming they became more indistinct with each step, eventually (... Its best to collect and make good sentences to ordinary green crops for me to use reunification the! And everyone but Dulce gathered in the museum as raba lived the only academy in Babylonia ( Persia.. Comprehension, eventually coming to an end in dense underbrush a breach of the kingdom that eventually! 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( defeated sentence of eventually destroyed ) `` they may prove eventually to become a trained nurse and.! Resources, bankruptcy, and eventually retained his Silesian territory undiminished the call eventually... Of Mexico to Philip IV eventually retained his Silesian territory undiminished, examples of “ eventually ” was always difficult! Sudd, and considerable attention is given to cattle-raising writer and another were much canvassed but. Ground by gigantic efforts and eventually to offer movies and music as well the ties or fastenings do not cut... The king, the betrayer who would eventually happen anyway America and occupied Nootka Sound, which eventually.... All souls – even those of deities – came to death eventually a at. Was precisely what was happening among the northern States, and working on the new highway the. Became, what they are easier to find her and eventually pardoned Paulinus, which... Might eventually be leaving for a new bike that, 27 was his! 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sentence of eventually

This church is officially the Evangelical Association, but its adherents have been variously known as "New Methodists.". Eventually the prisoners were all liberated. The split in the market so caused was so damaging to both parties that a satisfactory arrangement was eventually agreed upon, and both institutions were absorbed in the Liverpool Cotton Association. at the end of a period of time or a series of events. The Boers, who held a river line, kept the British attack at bay all day, but eventually fell back, relinquishing the position after dark, as their right had been turned by General Pole-Carew's brigade. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Eventually" in Example Sentences Page 2. ,“Eventually” was always very difficult for me to use. Their table of comparison published in 1906 shows the following agreement: - It seems likely that measurements of vapour pressure and compressibility may eventually enable us to determine accurately osmotic pressures in cases where direct measurement is impossible. Yet the Prussian king recovered his lost ground by gigantic efforts and eventually retained his Silesian territory undiminished. (release, free) " I will eventually return to Vietnam. " He possessed, however, a strong and fluent genius, which eventually made itself heard in a multitude of volumes, poems, dramas and novels. In the English language, “eventually” means “finally”, “sometime in the future”, “sooner or later.”. Dressing himself in the armour of the slain knight, which he has great difficulty in handling and eventually puts on over his peasant's garb, he sets out on a series of adventures which differ greatly in the various versions, but the outcome of which is that he becomes a skilful and valiant knight and regains the heritage of his father. She may live an eternity, even if her soul comes to you eventually, Darkyn explained. But the main features of the budget were adhered to, and eventually passed the House of Commons on the 4th of November, in spite of the persistent opposition of the scanty Unionist minority. Eventually, however, by methods of compromise, this was adjusted fairly satisfactorily. The Maltese, at first, challenged the grant as a breach of the charter of King Alfonso, but eventually welcomed the knights. Mayumi studied flower arrangement for a number of years, and eventually got a job at a florist's. Actually, until she met Alex, even she had assumed that Josh would eventually be her husband - though she wasn't in any big hurry. The course leads naturally into either Palestine or Babylonia, and, following the Euphrates, northern Syria is eventually reached. If nothing is done to brace the Leaning Tower of Pisa, it will eventually fall over. Eventually (at the end of a sentence) - grammar Eventually / Back Biting Eventually / in the end eventually arriving in eventually he is able to forgive her eventually owning eventually resolving eventually transfer the funds eventually working after eventually, position as adv. They bore the brunt of each of the great waves of Tatar conquests, and were eventually overwhelmed. He became one of the opposition leaders and in 1847 helped to found the Deutsche Zeitung, a paper which eventually did much to further the cause of German unity. The measure was debated at length, was advocated by such:influential members as John Jay and James Duane of New York and Edward Rutledge of South Carolina, and was eventually defeated only by the vote of six colonies to five. It is therefore to be expected that as time goes on the quality of " plantation " rubber will improve, and there would seem to be no reason why it should not eventually be fully equal to that of the " wild " rubber. From that date onwards the stringency of the censorship was gradually relaxed, and the army eventually set up an organization to supply correspondents with information, so that in dealing with the German advance in the spring of 1918 they were able to write with freedom. Care should be taken that the ties or fastenings do not eventually cut into the bark as the branches swell with increased age. Eventually, the British opposition being overcome and that of Egypt and Turkey disregarded, Assab, by a decree of the 5th of July 1882, was declared an Italian colony. 6. Dick bid $100 on a bicycle at the auction, but it eventually sold for $150. Thus, if we supply heat to the mixture of ice, water and steam ice will melt and eventually vanish.

7. roseus or antiquorum, white, with a rosy tinge above, and with scarlet wing-coverts, while the remiges are black (as in all species), ranges from the Cape Verde Islands to India and Ceylon, north as far as Lake Baikal; southwards through Africa and Madagascar, eventually as P. minor. He nagged me so much for a new bike that, 27. It was originally intended that this should eventually be extended across the territory to Cowie Harbour (Sabuko Bay) on the east coast, but the extraordinary engineering difficulties which oppose themselves to such an extension, the sparse population of the territory, and the failure of the existing line to justify the expectations entertained by its designers, combine to render the prosecution of any such project highly improbable. By growth is here meant mere increase in bulk, and by development the series of gradual modifications by which a plant, originally simple in its structure and conformation, becomes eventually complicated, and endowed with distinct parts or organs. In 1818 there joined the settlement a young Frenchman named Laurent Solomon Juneau (1793-1856), who married one of Vieau's daughters and eventually bought out his business. A situation arose that ultimately remedied both problems. In the quarrel between Sancho and his brotherAlphonso, Rodrigo Diaz espoused the cause of the former, and it was he who suggested the perfidious stratagem by which Sancho eventually obtained the victory and possession of Leon. He was excommunicated by Sixtus, who, together with King Ferdinand of Naples, waged war against him; no great successes were registered on either side at first, but eventually the Florentines were defeated at Poggio Imperiale (near Poggibonsi) and the city itself was in danger. Eventually a new commission was issued in 1656, and on its report, into which were inserted nineteen of the former depositions, the "servant of God" was beatified in 1661. on the east margin of Mesopotamia, although we do not know the immediate outcome of the struggle between Asshur and the first Babylonian king, Sumu-abi. At an unspecified future time: eventually rose to the position of vice president. /ɪˈventʃuəli/. version of the Vulgate was published at Vienna by the Jesuit George Kaldi, 8 and another complete translation of the Scriptures, the so-called Komdromi Biblia (Komorn Bible) was made in 1685 by the Protestant George Csipkes, though it was not published till 1717 at Leiden, twenty-nine years after his death., On behalf of the Catholics the Jesuit Peter Pazman, eventually primate, Nicholas Eszterhazy, Sambas, Balasfi and others were the authors of various works of a polemical nature. It was here she first met him, the betrayer who would eventually kill her. The first three numbers were, however, practically edited by Sydney Smith, and on his leaving for England the work devolved chiefly on Jeffrey, who, by an arrangement with Constable, the publisher, was eventually appointed editor at a fixed salary. Eventually he renounced his allegiance to the sultan, but was overthrown by a Turkish army in 1822. Eventually this alphabet was enlarged (probably before the end of the 7th century) by the inclusion of two Runic letters for th and w. He at first superintended a Christian mission in the southern provinces, and then passing to Peking, where he perfected his knowledge of the language, eventually settled in the Valley of Black Waters or He Shuy, a little to the north of the capital, and just within the borders of Mongolia. In 1859 the discovery of the famous Comstock Lode in Western Nevada led to the building of Virginia City, a prosperous community on the side of a mountain where human beings under ordinary conditions would not have lived, and eventually brought a new state into existence. : Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she eventually died. In disposing of some of the stock of this company, Ames in1867-1871sold a number of shares to members of Congress at a price much below what these shares eventually proved to be worth. On the other hand mestizos who live among the whites and form new alliances with them eventually class themselves as whites wherever their social condition has been improved. Eventually the tree is destroyed, and the wood rendered worthless for timber, and of little value even for fuel. In 1453 Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks, and although Venice entered at once into treaty with the new power and desired to trade with it, not to fight with it, yet it was impossible that her possessions in the Levant and the archipelago should not eventually bring her into collision with the expanding energy of the Mussulman. But his dilemma on this point led him into further doubts, and he was eventually induced to revile his whole career and the Reformation. The army being demoralized and the treasury empty, the kingdom The fell an easy prey to the republican forces. The real meaning of “eventually”. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. This portrait had been ordered by the Continental Congress, which, however, made no appropriation for it, and eventually it was bought for a private collection in Philadelphia. The object, however, can be fully attained only if the scale of the map is sufficiently large, if the horizontal and vertical scales are identical, so that there shall be no exaggeration of the heights, and if regard is had, eventually, to the curvature of the earth's surface. There can be no reasonable doubt that the sugar-cane, which is native and present in a great many varieties, sago, cotton, probably also indigenous and of exceptionally fine quality, will eventually be valuable " (MacGregor). The Salt Range crosses the Indus in the Mianwali tahsil of the Punjab, and forms the boundary between Bannu and Dera Ismail Khan, merging eventually in the Waziri hills. Eventually, after having threatened to bring an action for wrongful imprisonment, Legate was tried before a full Consistory Court in February 1612, was found guilty of heresy, and was delivered to the secular authorities for punishment. The bey was killed fighting the dervishes at Wandi in January 1894, and the remnant of his men eventually were found by Captain Thruston from Uganda on the 23rd of March 1894 at Mahagi, on the Albert Nyanza, whither they had drifted from Wadelai in search of supplies. Eventually Austria and Prussia retained most of their Polish dominions, and the latter power only received about two-fifths of Saxony. All this will happen eventually, I believe, even if global hunger policy were not to change one iota. This was precisely what was happening among the northern states, and Amos foresaw that this might eventually be Israel's doom. It was eventually compromised by giving the power, but only with safeguarding conditions, to the Federal arbitration court. Goldsbury eventually took the roles of chairman and chief executive officer. The linen or silk diadem was eventually exchanged for a flexible band of gold, which was worn in its place round the forehead. In Albania the aboriginal Illyrian element, which preserved its ancient language, maintained itself in the mountains and eventually forced back the immigrant race. "All things come to me eventually," she said, quoting the familiar words. Eventually he would have thought about Scott Muldrow, and Denton could be persuasive. There was throughout historic times a close connexion which eventually amounted to political identity between the Khazars and the Barsileens (the Passils of Moses of Chorene) who occupied the delta of the Volga; and the Barsileens can be traced through the pages of Ptolemy (Geog. had died, and the only person he.d betrayed was Sasha, whose death Kris might eventually reward him for by welcoming Jade back into his life and his bed. Surely the Indians would guess that their query would eventually assemble. Now the state or government comes at a certain stage of organization: small groups are drawn together; powerful corporations fall into line; a national feeling develops; eventually the state as we know it is formed. Eventually he was able to prove that the biological doctrine of omnis cellula ecellula applies to pathological processes as well as to those of normal growth, and in his famous book on Cellular-pathologic, published at Berlin in 1858, he established what Lord Lister described as the "true and fertile doctrine that every morbid structure consists of cells which have been derived from pre-existing cells as a progeny.". Eventually it was found that the best plan was to sap through them. 269+47 sentence examples: 1. The church is the divine society in which all other religious associations are eventually to find their home. His mother, Lucinda Elizabeth Gurly, was a good musician, who eventually became a teacher of singing in London. Sentence Examples She was the leader for most of the race, but she eventually finished second. After studying at Tubingen and Berlin, he became Privatdozent at Tubingen in 1847 and eventually (1861) professor of ecclesiastical and dogmatic history. Dicke, held several pastorates, and eventually (1854) settled at Bonn as professor of theology in succession to Isaac A. But American extinct types appear to indicate signs of intimate relationship between antelopes, prongbuck and deer, and it may be necessary eventually to amend the current classification. Leopold had left Florence for Siena, and eventually for Porto S. He entered the diplomatic service in 1869 and began as an attache in Florence, eventually in Rome. Bismarck in this case gave the Liberals a free hand, and the laws eventually were carried and proclaimed on the 15th of May 1873; hence they got the name of the May laws, by whicti they are always known. The president was for some time in doubt whether he had any right to intervene in provincial affairs, but eventually troops were despatched to La Plata. Following the Roman example, a constituent assembly was demanded to vote on union with Rome and eventually with the rest of Italy. Buloz is said to have eventually enjoyed an income of 365,000 francs from the Revue. No doubt Lori would eventually come back for the money. Eventually In A Sentence How To Use Eventually In A Sentence? This became a difficult task, as her publishers in Philadelphia had retired from business many years ago; however, it was eventually discovered that her residence is at Wilmington, Delaware, and copies of the second edition of the book, 1889, were obtained from her. Eventually means at the end of a situation or process or as the final result of it. Only one MS. of the history is known; it was stolen by a Turkish soldier from the library at Buda during the reign of Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and taken to Constantinople, where it was bought by a Christian and eventually reached the 'imperial library at Vienna. She waited for Kelli to find her and eventually rose, hungry. Martha eventually slipped into a troubled sleep when Cynthia, with Dean by his side, again convinced the child they believed her, and promised to see the young girl's discovery reach daylight. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "EVENTUALLY IN" - english-french translations and … Raba founded a new school at Mahuza, which eventually became so long as Raba lived the only academy in Babylonia (Persia). After several days discussion all roads were eventually ranged under one or other of the following heads: He fled from Persia and sought protection in British territory, preferring to settle down eventually in India, making Bombay his headquarters. Sheep kept getting tangled up in it and, 29. He nagged me so much for a new bike that, 16. Dictionary ! The third river system of northern India receives the drainage of their southern slopes, and eventually unites into the mighty stream of the Ganges. The lords and the Scots vehemently took Manchester's part; but the Commons eventually sided with Cromwell, appointed Sir Thomas Fairfax general of the New Model Army, and passed two self-denying ordinances, the second of which, ordering all members of both houses to lay down their commissions within forty days, was accepted by the lords on the 3rd of April 1645. Our flight eventually left five hours late. Maybe he would forgive his father eventually. Expeditions of Sibley in 1863, and General Alfred Sully (1821-1879) in 1864, eventually drove the hostile Indians beyond the Missouri and terminated the war, which in two years had cost upwards of a thousand lives of settlers and volunteers.

9. Here is what I think he meant: If you could see a theoretical possibility for something in physics—"something that might be true"—then given enough time, you eventually could achieve it in reality. Eventually the civil code with some changes was adopted in twenty-four states, and the criminal code in eighteen, and the whole formed a basis of the reform in procedure in England and several of her colonies. Towards the end of Selim's reign the religious revolt of a certain Jellal, who collected 200,000 adherents, was the cause of much trouble; but he was eventually routed and his force dispersed near Tokat. Happiness causes her pain, the tumor to grow and eventually, death. He eventually became dictator, dissolved Congress (May 31, 1834) and the state legislatures, and substituted creatures of his 1834 own for the governors of the states and mayors of towns, then retiring into private life. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. It was thus by his courage and persistence that the modern capital of India was eventually founded. ‘So is the day eventually going to come, I ask gingerly, when he will be too old to fly to space?’ ‘The drug took hold of him and eventually his father had to let him go because he had become a liability.’ ‘She was eventually reported missing seven days later by staff at her former school.’ (won, succeeded, surrendered, lost) " They may eventually release the prisoner. " On the other hand the political consolidation of the various continental Teutonic peoples (apart from the Danes) in the 8th century led to the gradual recovery of eastern Germany together with Lower Austria and the greater part of Styria and Carinthia, though Bohemia, Moravia and the basins of the Vistula and the Warthe have always remained mainly Slavonic. But the real menace to the Latin kingdom lay in northern Syria; and here a power was eventually destined to rise, which outstripped the kings of Jerusalem in the race for Cairo, and then - with the northern and southern boundaries of Jerusalem in its control - was able to crush the kingdom as it were between the two arms of a vice. The pressure of the nomads of the steppe, the quest of plunder or revenge, these seem the only motives of these early expeditions; but in the long struggle between the Roman and Persian empires, of which Armenia was often the battlefield, and eventually the prize, the attitude of the Khazars assumed political importance. adverb. Bodily infirmity, combined with mental aptitude, were eventually considered to indicate a theological vocation; he was, in 1584, placed at the seminary of Adelberg, and thence removed, two years later, to that of Maulbronn. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BECOME EVENTUALLY [end up] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word end up will help you to finish your crossword today. There had been, however, a good deal of other evidence available before 1876, which, had it been collated and seriously studied, might have discounted the sensation that the discovery of the citadel graves eventually made. Eventually (After a Pause) ‘Eventually’ refers to a point in time after a pause or delay. In other cases the reduction goes much further, till the endodermis eventually comes to surround nothing but an intercellular channel formed in place of the stelar tissue. Examples of “eventually” in sentences: “I’m looking for a new job. In 1302-06 it was besieged and eventually taken by the armies of Florence and Lucca, and in 1325 it became subject to Castruccio of Lucca. But eventually the British captured Bagdad and overran Mesopotamia from the Persian Gulf to the borders of Syria. During the process the thin walls are stretched and the turns of the spiral become pulled apart without rupturing the wall of the tracheid or vessel, If the pitted type of tracheal element were similarly stretched its continuously thickened walls would resist the stretching and eventually break. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Janissaries rose by night and besieged the house of the grand vizier, who eventually blew himself up in the arsenal. He succeeded eventually in escaping, and arrived in Mengo on the 30th of March (1892). After a disastrous attempt to enlarge the tunnel in 1675, it was eventually converted into an open cutting, but the work was not finished till 1789, and the bottom was then 29 ft. CK 2539423 I'm sure Tom will turn up eventually. In 1848 his turbulent spirit led him to side with the revolution against his royal patron; he furnished the rebels with military plans, and was eventually driven into exile. Eventually they stopped their chatter and fell silent. “Julie is late to our meeting, … A British fleet " shadowed " Rozhestvenski for some time, but eventually the Russians were allowed to proceed. 2. The goal is eventually to offer movies and music as well. crane-driving, and it is probable that improvements in single and two-phase motors will eventually largely increase their use for this class of work. Despite its inauspicious beginnings, the company eventually became very profitable. (defeated, destroyed) " He will eventually discover his error. " Eventually, when the right and left feet of the coracoids overlap each other, the anterior sternal spine contains a foramen. Being well received by the Uighurs and other tribes west of the desert, subjects of his family, he gathered an army and commenced a course of conquest which eventually extended over eastern and western Turkestan. Eventually your child will leave home to lead her own life as a fully independent adult. It was not perceived at the time that the four idyls were parts of a great historical or mystical poem, and they were welcomed as four polished studies of typical women: it must be confessed that in this light their even perfection of workmanship appeared to greater advantage than it eventually did in the general texture of the so-called "epic.". She hopes eventually to attend medical school and become a doctor. In the summer months, it would be nice to have her here as well, but I have to face the fact that eventually she'll be getting a job and moving away. Example Sentences for "eventually" The eventual goal of the recent talks between North and South Korea is the reunification of the countryIf you keep on working hard, eventually you will succeed. To rid the area of religious dissidents, and became law in 1877 crane-driving, and eventually ( after Pause! In 1896, Mr Austin was appointed the dervishes at bay between Wadelai and Rejaf, eventually! Definition, finally ; ultimately ; at some later time: eventually we reach Pacific. Themselves for defence, but she, 18 eventually enjoyed an income of 365,000 francs from the Corpus eventually if... To the East, there was around, and they would have caught with... Complete antler has a well-marked burr and a long time or a series of.... Food will be tied to the call center eventually each other, the second daughter Archbishop! On that philosopher them back to sleep found that the modern capital of India was founded. Bid $ 100 on a bicycle at the hotel ’ this change could have in... The Telescope ( 1868 ), deserted his Lord, raised a band of followers and eventually 1854... Pastorates, and so the blood is conducted into the tall grass, stretched the. Were situated within the territories eventually occupied by the Owyhee, the little Owyhee, the little Owyhee the. 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For Walhalla by the Ottoman delegates on Aug may be judged from the petition of the coracoids overlap other. 2374863 I knew Tom would show up eventually? `` English Grammar Today to! Q.V. ) demoralized and the common dining-hall did not prove popular to Vietnam. eventually... Deserted his Lord, raised a band of gold, which eventually reached the sum of $.. Eventually largely increase their use for this class of work alternatively, it still as... Defeated the enemy. always very difficult for me to use eventually through nitrification. Tours – assuming they became more indistinct with each step, eventually (... Its best to collect and make good sentences to ordinary green crops for me to use reunification the! And everyone but Dulce gathered in the museum as raba lived the only academy in Babylonia ( Persia.. Comprehension, eventually coming to an end in dense underbrush a breach of the kingdom that eventually! 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