God’s inspired Word contains many prophecies describing the direction the world is headed and why. Voting is encouraged (not suppressed), accessible, quick, and easy – the higher the participation, the better. What makes a nation great and strong? As such, it can be a great ingredient in nation’s power. 2) American Music – Rock and Roll greats always attribute their success to the soulful Blues music … If you want to make America great, then make America Godly. New York, Chicago [etc.] As citizens of this great nation, it is kindness, love, and compassion for each other that will bring us together - and keep us together. In the preceding verse, God promises to make a "great" nation through the seed of Abraham. Pension and health provision. Manufacturing citizenship: education and nationalism in Europe, South Asia and China. The nation should be great (1) numerically (Keil, Rosenmüller), (2) influentially (Kalisch, Inglis), (3) spiritually (Luther, Wordsworth). Learn more | Create PowerClip! Is it power, prestige, position, or prominence? We are only as great as we are godly. Grace Covenant Church Sunday - AM. Of course, our nations need governing. 14:34). The Great Seal, created after the Declaration of Independence and before the U.S. Constitution, reflects a religious heritage that the country's Founders believed integral to the common weal of the nation. He chose an insecure life of itinerant preaching, misunderstood and hounded by his persecutors, and yet there was no one ever more secure, because he knew he was in his father’s will. A nation is more overtly political than an ethnic group; it has been described as "a fully mobilized or institutionalized ethnic group". . Now, apply the same rule to the church. But let’s never believe the lie about greatness. Or support for science research. Like Hosack, they understood what really makes a nation great: not grandstanding politicians, not solo inventors, not celebrity entrepreneurs but the builders of civic institutions. 2 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, we heard a great deal about "why they hate us" and why America is so bad. Read the articles in this issue and ask how these things apply to you. Thus, we may safely say, “Righteousness exalteth God’s ‘holy nation,’ the church, but sin is a reproach to any congregation” (cf. The goal of every Presidential election is the hope for National greatness, improvement in health, able employment, wealth, national security, secure marriages and families, the elimination of violence, addictions, criminality, so that we have communities that … No. We will marvel at the brilliance and dedication of athletes, and discover the thrill of watching sports we would never consider on any other occasion: race walking, dressage and synchronized swimming. So what does it take to be a great nation? Verses 2, 3. A cultural diversity that displays strength and respect. No. Additional Physical Format: Online version: Lynch, Frederick Henry, 1867-What makes a nation great. What makes a nation great? Or clean rivers and clean air. An urbane, sophisticated, educated membership may comprise an ignorant congregation (1 Cor. Most revolve around the basic truth mentioned above—“Godliness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Will America remain great? And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. Governments are formed by the consent of the governed to allow people to live into their full potential—to protect the rights of the individual, to create an atmosphere in which each individual may thrive, and also to create a shared sense of destiny and responsibility for one another. Speaking Smooth Things About . It’s a creeping yet indefinable sense of decline that has made the “Let’s make our nation great again” slogan such a powerful piece of rhetoric. One thing is for sure — if we want a great nation, and if we want to be part of a good church, we know where to start. A nation is a stable community of people formed on the basis of a common language, territory, history, ethnicity, or a common culture. When our runner wins the marathon, we feel the connection and the joy—we share the glory with them. Posted on December 31, 2016 by William Emmons Arnold Friberg was an American painter noted for his religious and patriotic works. The Jewish people do constitute a "great" nation. – Proverbs 14:34 (Message) 2. As Christians, we look to a different place to define what greatness is. Look around you. We’re all attracted to greatness. They only make us a country rich in the symbols and accouterments of material wealth, worldly wisdom, and physical power. Our spending power. If military might made a nation great, the Assyrian and Roman empires would never have fallen. As a kid, I watched open mouthed at Bob Beamon’s mighty leap at the Mexico Olympics. But also, in my view, contract law and the rule of law in general. The Two Covenants. The illusion of greatness can be as powerful as the real thing. Its kingdoms grand Go down in battle shock; Its shafts are laid on sinking sand, Not on abiding rock. What Makes a Nation Great? Is it the geographical greatness of a country that makes … . Deuteronomy 4:5-9. Part I. September 18, 2020; Open Sourcing the Sciter September 7, 2020; QuickJS for Visual Studio August 17, 2020; Archives.
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