Attribute Values: It contains a single value name which describes the name of the element. Global Attributes: Specifies a shortcut key to activate/focus an element: action
… Il NAME da solo non serve ad un bel niente: la sua funzioneè, infatti, strettamente legata al comandoTARGET, che è un parametro opzionale dei comunicollegamenti, ma che diventa indispensabile se si vuolevisualizzare il collegamento in oggetto all'interno diuna precisa sottofinestra. Nota: lo stesso effetto si ottiene quando si SBAGLIA ad indicare un esistente e corretto target. When applied to a textarea the attribute is automatically associated with the value submitted with that form field, and can then be used to reference the data associated with the name.. Isn’t a name the same as an id?. The name attribute is a global attribute that can be used on many different HTML elements. w3resource. For a element, the name attribute is used as a reference when the data is submitted. HTML Schriften - Schriften spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Herstellung eine Website noch benutzerfreundlicher und steigendem Gehalt Lesbarkeit. content attribute. So the attribute name called data-secret-sauce in the HTML is accessible as dataset.secretSauce in the JavaScript code. The ID attribute uniquely identifies an element within a document. You should include the following viewport element in all your web pages: A viewport element gives the browser instructions on how document.write(code); Articolo pubblicato secondo la licenza di utilizzo di, Dhtml - Tutorial e lezioni per imparare il Dynamic HTML, XHtml - Guida e lezioni su eXtensible HyperText Markup Language. Die Manual-Seite zu diesem Thema enthält viele Beispiele, die das Verständnis erleichtern. When using named anchors you can create links to a specific section on a page, instead of letting your viewer scroll around to find what he/she is looking for. „junge“ bezieht sich hier auf das Nomen „Kater“ und steht hier links vom Nomen / Bezugswort. Definition and Usage. Beh... dimenticatelo... erauna bugia a fin di bene. The name attribute is used to reference elements in a JavaScript, or to reference form data after a form is submitted. Named anchors are called bookmarks in Expression Web. PHP und HTML. zuschreiben (quality) attribute qualitatives Merkmal {n} Non a caso, infatti, la traduzione letterale del termineTARGET, in inglese, significa BERSAGLIO. Der Name des Attributs wird als Wert zugewiesen. Ähnliche Beiträge. The name attribute of the