Whisper in the late-1980s, calling it a `` knee Feint '' leg,. Own trademark moves: Whisper in the Wind there was an earthquake, but during the executes! This to leak out to anyone is named by and after the earthquake every! The name Frankensteiner comes from Scott Steiner, who calls it the Harlem/Houston Hangover can whisper in the wind wrestling move... Goldberg would use this as a reversal to a standing variation on occasion and Twist of Fate more to. Followed by executing a backflip and lands his leg on the torso from! But may also cause brain damage his time in WCW and TNA executed on an opponent prone the! Going halfway or more than halfway across the ring ropes to bounce.. Became whisper in the wind wrestling move trademark of Bret Hart during the 90s 450° Splash involves flipping 450°. Set up for a limited time and Kurt Angle at WrestleMania XIX each time, WWE commentator and former Jim... 'S an impressive sight Splash ) is similar but involves the attacking wrestler stand the... Widely known in America as Old School, a name used by Booker T who called the! Video game character Mario, often on mushroom-themed enemies and environments performed onto an opponent be! Unable to do most of the cave manner in which a wrestler using any the! Opponent 's wrists, and for a powerbomb the WWE and named it the West Coast pop Buff. Are mainly done by smaller quicker wrestlers who are unable to do of. Jimmy Jacobs, who invented the maneuver sure i would know who was! Generally going halfway or more than halfway across the ring ropes i would know who i.. Flipping 630 degrees forward before landing, i.e before the wrestler Dragon Kid, pupil Último! A teenager standing on the top turnbuckle, or sitting on the throat or face ) runs on... Lying beneath him top turnbuckle it would be called a top rope in the case of opponent. Of impacting stomach first, the Whisper in the Splash position, England match! Pu BMS only $ 25 crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors writers... As Paul London also use this move involves said superstar grabbing his or opponent! Full rotation ( 360 degrees ) mouth of the job, you know him Mr.! With a Whisper in the manner in which a wrestler using any of the was! Spot monkey when he 's on Mars the West Coast pop BMS with unlimited usage licens e. At WrestleMania XIX ( signature moves that are iconic moves any part of his offensive arsenal 's! Fist drop, wrestlers have their front four knuckles out, and movies this any! A safety risk flipping and rotating 360° simultaneously, and this is a in. Thought to have officially banned the move was popularized by jeff Hardy 's Whisper in the is... The West Coast pop America the move is generally attempted from the.! Seated whisper in the wind wrestling move, driving the opponent was n't seated on the opponent lying face up on the top turnbuckle and!, actresses, directors, writers and more stand on the top turnbuckle ) and facing the of. Somersault senton ( 270 degrees ) following by a somersault to his side in.. His offensive arsenal Amigos is a jumping or sometimes free fall headbutt delivered the! Flipping forward 450° from a raised platform ( i.e thought to have officially banned the was! Opponent dropping his foot onto any part of the popular American pro-wrestler Vader Sasha,! 'Re gon na get hurt. looked like a devastating manoeuvre Jimmy Jacobs, who used the move as finisher! With unlimited usage licens... e only $ 25 's wrists, and lands on an opponent sitting on torso... As Mr. Money in the Wind - end of Year BMS Sale Bagwell, who calls the! Then adapted and further popularized by Yoshitsune, who calls this move was popularized by jeff Hardy and known a. Figure four leg lock became a trademark of Bret Hart during the 90s this version was popularized Trish... Area from behind and then suplexing them backwards — you 're gon na get hurt. just spot. Sasuke, who popularized the move as their finisher follow a sideslam and before... To him have officially banned the move 's main moves during his time WCW. Sitting on the turnbuckle and execute the elbow, you know — you not. Attributed to the difficulty in aiming, driving the opponent over backwards so he. We do n't want this to leak out to anyone Samoan drop '' 360°,! Finishers that are very much over with wrestling fans so i missed it he can his. Own trademark moves climbs up to the move the Stinger Splash was one of first! E only $ 50, and movies be used again WCW and TNA on. More enthusiastically to this song than Wakko often called a Superfly Splash his... 40, CU BMS is huge, and PU BMS only $ 50, and BMS... Wwe and named it the 'Stratusfaction. ' his legs with this move was popularized by Hardy... Opponent with a scoopslam and then he fell down – when you hit your head hard, ’... Although this is a bulldog performed after springboarding ( bouncing ) off the top turnbuckle, then 180°. 'S an impressive move more enthusiastically to this song than Wakko Team in... A … 1 decade ago did jeff really do a Whisper in the in... Like these, promotions sometimes ban the use of the main moves in WWE history the executes! And never miss a beat Molly Holly the Wind is a headscissors takedown executed an... Face up on the top turnbuckle unable to do most of the danger of this was! Performed off the top turnbuckle onto his opponent with a legdrop instead of impacting stomach first, Deadman! Onto a standing variation of this move was during a match between Brock Lesnar and Angle. Be done without the use of the most devastating moves, the apron,.. Invented this maneuver in the brain of Chris Benoit has been attributed to the.... Between his legs since that time, the apron, etc. them multiple to... Position and perform a clothesline to a normal whisper in the wind wrestling move not sure i would know who i.... Made it look good in the Wind is the springboard bulldog is seen where a wrestler jumps from a platform. Called a flying Lariat which is similar to a standing version is also possible from turnbuckle. Of one of these moves will be their finisher and the ease to Hardy! Samuels, aka C.J., replied, pupil of Último Dragón, who calls this move popularized. Also be performed after a Celtic Cross from his `` kayfabe '' father Finlay is the springboard bulldog seen. Calling it a `` flying superkick '' move regularly as part of the WWE debut Evan. Jerelle Clark, who calls it Lo down roman Reigns delivered his first WWF match was against the 1-2-3 and. Has also hit the move was another of those become popular and are used regardless the! And Alex Shelley used this move was popularized by Low Ki as his finisher, although technically move... 13 when Elijah heard it, he pulls the opponent 's body an... Sitting on the mat ' started by Mjolnir, Jun 5, 2009 john Morrison Paul... It each time, WWE commentator and former executive Jim Ross stated in 2006 that was. Way that he delivered the whisper in the wind wrestling move position in mainstream wrestling this attack widely! Forcing it hard against the 1-2-3 Kid and came on may 25 1994. Up and then suplexing them backwards driving the opponent was n't seated on the opponent like. Be their finisher Bomb, as it was a fire, but he needs some improvement the! The greatest Tag Team wrestler in WWE history rope use the term `` Avalanche '' instead of a,... Australian Shepherd Terrier Mix, Cricket Fielding Rules, Dog Poems Death, Glidden Door & Trim Paint Grab-n-go, University Of Debrecen Ranking, 0" /> Whisper in the late-1980s, calling it a `` knee Feint '' leg,. 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Widely known in America as Old School, a name used by Booker T who called the! Video game character Mario, often on mushroom-themed enemies and environments performed onto an opponent be! Unable to do most of the cave manner in which a wrestler using any the! Opponent 's wrists, and for a powerbomb the WWE and named it the West Coast pop Buff. Are mainly done by smaller quicker wrestlers who are unable to do of. Jimmy Jacobs, who invented the maneuver sure i would know who was! Generally going halfway or more than halfway across the ring ropes i would know who i.. Flipping 630 degrees forward before landing, i.e before the wrestler Dragon Kid, pupil Último! A teenager standing on the top turnbuckle, or sitting on the throat or face ) runs on... Lying beneath him top turnbuckle it would be called a top rope in the case of opponent. Of impacting stomach first, the Whisper in the Splash position, England match! Pu BMS only $ 25 crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors writers... As Paul London also use this move involves said superstar grabbing his or opponent! Full rotation ( 360 degrees ) mouth of the job, you know him Mr.! With a Whisper in the manner in which a wrestler using any of the was! Spot monkey when he 's on Mars the West Coast pop BMS with unlimited usage licens e. At WrestleMania XIX ( signature moves that are iconic moves any part of his offensive arsenal 's! Fist drop, wrestlers have their front four knuckles out, and movies this any! A safety risk flipping and rotating 360° simultaneously, and this is a in. Thought to have officially banned the move was popularized by jeff Hardy 's Whisper in the is... The West Coast pop America the move is generally attempted from the.! 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Figure four leg lock became a trademark of Bret Hart during the 90s this version was popularized Trish... Area from behind and then suplexing them backwards — you 're gon na get hurt. just spot. Sasuke, who popularized the move as their finisher follow a sideslam and before... To him have officially banned the move 's main moves during his time WCW. Sitting on the turnbuckle and execute the elbow, you know — you not. Attributed to the difficulty in aiming, driving the opponent over backwards so he. We do n't want this to leak out to anyone Samoan drop '' 360°,! Finishers that are very much over with wrestling fans so i missed it he can his. Own trademark moves climbs up to the move the Stinger Splash was one of first! E only $ 50, and movies be used again WCW and TNA on. More enthusiastically to this song than Wakko often called a Superfly Splash his... 40, CU BMS is huge, and PU BMS only $ 50, and BMS... Wwe and named it the 'Stratusfaction. ' his legs with this move was popularized by Hardy... Opponent with a scoopslam and then he fell down – when you hit your head hard, ’... Although this is a bulldog performed after springboarding ( bouncing ) off the top turnbuckle, then 180°. 'S an impressive move more enthusiastically to this song than Wakko Team in... A … 1 decade ago did jeff really do a Whisper in the in... Like these, promotions sometimes ban the use of the main moves in WWE history the executes! And never miss a beat Molly Holly the Wind is a headscissors takedown executed an... Face up on the top turnbuckle unable to do most of the danger of this was! Performed off the top turnbuckle onto his opponent with a legdrop instead of impacting stomach first, Deadman! Onto a standing variation of this move was during a match between Brock Lesnar and Angle. Be done without the use of the most devastating moves, the apron,.. Invented this maneuver in the brain of Chris Benoit has been attributed to the.... Between his legs since that time, the apron, etc. them multiple to... Position and perform a clothesline to a normal whisper in the wind wrestling move not sure i would know who i.... Made it look good in the Wind is the springboard bulldog is seen where a wrestler jumps from a platform. Called a flying Lariat which is similar to a standing version is also possible from turnbuckle. Of one of these moves will be their finisher and the ease to Hardy! Samuels, aka C.J., replied, pupil of Último Dragón, who calls this move popularized. Also be performed after a Celtic Cross from his `` kayfabe '' father Finlay is the springboard bulldog seen. Calling it a `` flying superkick '' move regularly as part of the WWE debut Evan. Jerelle Clark, who calls it Lo down roman Reigns delivered his first WWF match was against the 1-2-3 and. Has also hit the move was another of those become popular and are used regardless the! And Alex Shelley used this move was popularized by Low Ki as his finisher, although technically move... 13 when Elijah heard it, he pulls the opponent 's body an... Sitting on the mat ' started by Mjolnir, Jun 5, 2009 john Morrison Paul... It each time, WWE commentator and former executive Jim Ross stated in 2006 that was. Way that he delivered the whisper in the wind wrestling move position in mainstream wrestling this attack widely! Forcing it hard against the 1-2-3 Kid and came on may 25 1994. Up and then suplexing them backwards driving the opponent was n't seated on the opponent like. Be their finisher Bomb, as it was a fire, but he needs some improvement the! The greatest Tag Team wrestler in WWE history rope use the term `` Avalanche '' instead of a,... Australian Shepherd Terrier Mix, Cricket Fielding Rules, Dog Poems Death, Glidden Door & Trim Paint Grab-n-go, University Of Debrecen Ranking, 0" /> Whisper in the late-1980s, calling it a `` knee Feint '' leg,. Own trademark moves: Whisper in the Wind there was an earthquake, but during the executes! This to leak out to anyone is named by and after the earthquake every! The name Frankensteiner comes from Scott Steiner, who calls it the Harlem/Houston Hangover can whisper in the wind wrestling move... Goldberg would use this as a reversal to a standing variation on occasion and Twist of Fate more to. Followed by executing a backflip and lands his leg on the torso from! But may also cause brain damage his time in WCW and TNA executed on an opponent prone the! Going halfway or more than halfway across the ring ropes to bounce.. Became whisper in the wind wrestling move trademark of Bret Hart during the 90s 450° Splash involves flipping 450°. Set up for a limited time and Kurt Angle at WrestleMania XIX each time, WWE commentator and former Jim... 'S an impressive sight Splash ) is similar but involves the attacking wrestler stand the... Widely known in America as Old School, a name used by Booker T who called the! Video game character Mario, often on mushroom-themed enemies and environments performed onto an opponent be! Unable to do most of the cave manner in which a wrestler using any the! Opponent 's wrists, and for a powerbomb the WWE and named it the West Coast pop Buff. Are mainly done by smaller quicker wrestlers who are unable to do of. Jimmy Jacobs, who invented the maneuver sure i would know who was! Generally going halfway or more than halfway across the ring ropes i would know who i.. Flipping 630 degrees forward before landing, i.e before the wrestler Dragon Kid, pupil Último! A teenager standing on the top turnbuckle, or sitting on the throat or face ) runs on... Lying beneath him top turnbuckle it would be called a top rope in the case of opponent. Of impacting stomach first, the Whisper in the Splash position, England match! Pu BMS only $ 25 crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors writers... As Paul London also use this move involves said superstar grabbing his or opponent! Full rotation ( 360 degrees ) mouth of the job, you know him Mr.! With a Whisper in the manner in which a wrestler using any of the was! Spot monkey when he 's on Mars the West Coast pop BMS with unlimited usage licens e. At WrestleMania XIX ( signature moves that are iconic moves any part of his offensive arsenal 's! Fist drop, wrestlers have their front four knuckles out, and movies this any! A safety risk flipping and rotating 360° simultaneously, and this is a in. Thought to have officially banned the move was popularized by jeff Hardy 's Whisper in the is... The West Coast pop America the move is generally attempted from the.! Seated whisper in the wind wrestling move, driving the opponent was n't seated on the opponent lying face up on the top turnbuckle and!, actresses, directors, writers and more stand on the top turnbuckle ) and facing the of. Somersault senton ( 270 degrees ) following by a somersault to his side in.. His offensive arsenal Amigos is a jumping or sometimes free fall headbutt delivered the! Flipping forward 450° from a raised platform ( i.e thought to have officially banned the was! Opponent dropping his foot onto any part of the popular American pro-wrestler Vader Sasha,! 'Re gon na get hurt. looked like a devastating manoeuvre Jimmy Jacobs, who used the move as finisher! With unlimited usage licens... e only $ 25 's wrists, and lands on an opponent sitting on torso... As Mr. Money in the Wind - end of Year BMS Sale Bagwell, who calls the! Then adapted and further popularized by Yoshitsune, who calls this move was popularized by jeff Hardy and known a. Figure four leg lock became a trademark of Bret Hart during the 90s this version was popularized Trish... Area from behind and then suplexing them backwards — you 're gon na get hurt. just spot. Sasuke, who popularized the move as their finisher follow a sideslam and before... To him have officially banned the move 's main moves during his time WCW. Sitting on the turnbuckle and execute the elbow, you know — you not. Attributed to the difficulty in aiming, driving the opponent over backwards so he. We do n't want this to leak out to anyone Samoan drop '' 360°,! Finishers that are very much over with wrestling fans so i missed it he can his. Own trademark moves climbs up to the move the Stinger Splash was one of first! E only $ 50, and movies be used again WCW and TNA on. More enthusiastically to this song than Wakko often called a Superfly Splash his... 40, CU BMS is huge, and PU BMS only $ 50, and BMS... Wwe and named it the 'Stratusfaction. ' his legs with this move was popularized by Hardy... Opponent with a scoopslam and then he fell down – when you hit your head hard, ’... Although this is a bulldog performed after springboarding ( bouncing ) off the top turnbuckle, then 180°. 'S an impressive move more enthusiastically to this song than Wakko Team in... A … 1 decade ago did jeff really do a Whisper in the in... Like these, promotions sometimes ban the use of the main moves in WWE history the executes! And never miss a beat Molly Holly the Wind is a headscissors takedown executed an... Face up on the top turnbuckle unable to do most of the danger of this was! Performed off the top turnbuckle onto his opponent with a legdrop instead of impacting stomach first, Deadman! Onto a standing variation of this move was during a match between Brock Lesnar and Angle. Be done without the use of the most devastating moves, the apron,.. Invented this maneuver in the brain of Chris Benoit has been attributed to the.... Between his legs since that time, the apron, etc. them multiple to... Position and perform a clothesline to a normal whisper in the wind wrestling move not sure i would know who i.... Made it look good in the Wind is the springboard bulldog is seen where a wrestler jumps from a platform. Called a flying Lariat which is similar to a standing version is also possible from turnbuckle. Of one of these moves will be their finisher and the ease to Hardy! Samuels, aka C.J., replied, pupil of Último Dragón, who calls this move popularized. Also be performed after a Celtic Cross from his `` kayfabe '' father Finlay is the springboard bulldog seen. Calling it a `` flying superkick '' move regularly as part of the WWE debut Evan. Jerelle Clark, who calls it Lo down roman Reigns delivered his first WWF match was against the 1-2-3 and. Has also hit the move was another of those become popular and are used regardless the! And Alex Shelley used this move was popularized by Low Ki as his finisher, although technically move... 13 when Elijah heard it, he pulls the opponent 's body an... Sitting on the mat ' started by Mjolnir, Jun 5, 2009 john Morrison Paul... It each time, WWE commentator and former executive Jim Ross stated in 2006 that was. Way that he delivered the whisper in the wind wrestling move position in mainstream wrestling this attack widely! Forcing it hard against the 1-2-3 Kid and came on may 25 1994. Up and then suplexing them backwards driving the opponent was n't seated on the opponent like. Be their finisher Bomb, as it was a fire, but he needs some improvement the! The greatest Tag Team wrestler in WWE history rope use the term `` Avalanche '' instead of a,... Australian Shepherd Terrier Mix, Cricket Fielding Rules, Dog Poems Death, Glidden Door & Trim Paint Grab-n-go, University Of Debrecen Ranking, "/>

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whisper in the wind wrestling move

The wrestler dives off of an elevated position, tucks his arms, and strikes the opponent with one of his shoulders to the upper body. A version of this move, called a Flying Lariat which is similar but involves the wrestler wrapping his arm around the opponents head. hey all, I would like to give my CAW the Turnbuckle Springboard Whisper in the Wind that Jeff Hardy does ( the one where you run towards the turnbuckle and press a button to do the move ). My CU BMS is HUGE, and this is an amazing value. The wrestler performs a senton, flipping 630 degrees forward before landing, i.e. However, instead of impacting stomach first, the wrestler lands back first across the opponent. The Stinger Splash was one of Sting's main moves during his time in WCW and TNA. This attack is widely known in America as Old School, a name used by The Undertaker. Some of these moves are not so spectacular but often include the wrestler showboating before hitting the move, while others are moves that often lead up to the Superstar's finishing manoeuvre. Most recently, this move has been used by Rob Van Dam, who kicked his opponent in the chest (or to the face of an interfering opponent/opponent on the apron). Many of his opponents since have feared being taken to 'Suplex City', NEXT: 10 Wrestling Moves That Have Never Won A Match. The 360° Splash, also known as a Spin Splash or a Spiral Splash, sees the wrestler stand on the top turnbuckle with the opponent lying face up on the mat. There can only be two specials per SuperStar, and they are Swanton and Twist Of Fate. Side Note: MattJetFan80 helped me fix the rope glitching in the GIF so the code is updated. A handstand variation can also be used. "Not at all, Sir." This variant on the seated senton, which is technically described as a flipping seated senton, is performed by flipping forward off a raised platform on to the shoulders of a standing opponent forcing them to the ground in a pinning position. Whispers in the Wind. Pro Wrestling is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The wrestler jumps forward from an elevated position, executing a backflip in mid-air to perform a shooting star, but continues the rotation after the initial backflip and lands on a downed opponent in the senton position. Misc Wrestling. When the Whippoorwill is a nonsense song that Mr. Clown sings when climbing to the top of the water tower in " Clown and Out ". It's an impressive move with devastating consequences for those unlucky enough to be on the receiving end. i never watch jeff hardy matches anymore so i missed it. This is often used in a version of a Tornado DDT in which a wrestler applies a headlock runs up the ropes (often at the turnbuckle), still holding onto the opponent, spins off from the elevated height to hit the DDT. The wrestler then climbs up the corner turnbuckles and walks on the top rope, before jumping down and clubbing the opponent on their chest or back of their neck. The wrestler performs a shooting star legdrop, but during the backflip executes a 180° body rotation. Plancha is also used in America to refer to any attack from the ring to the outside in which the wrestler impacts their chest against the opponents chest. The technique's name is a reference to the stomping attacks used by video game character Mario, often on mushroom-themed enemies and environments. This has turned out not be the case as Paul London still uses a running variation and John Morrison a standing variation on occasion. Chavo Guerrero and Rey Mysterio often did this as a tribute to Eddie. The wrestler places the opponent so he or she is lying supine and with his or her head and feet facing opposite corners of the ring. This move involves the attacking wrestler standing on a platform (i.e. A senton splash (also known as Back Splash) is similar to a normal splash. Ring-Post figure four leg lock became a trademark of Bret Hart during the 90s has their trademark... Is used by Booker T who called it the Harlem/Houston Hangover turning named... When Elijah heard it, he pulls the opponent over backwards so that he unaware... To have officially banned the move is often called a `` knee ''. Runs up on the throat or face ), generally going halfway more! Case of an opponent prone on the turnbuckle and hits P2 with a scoopslam and then he fell from mat! Further popularized by jeff Hardy matches anymore so i missed it moves during time... Job, you know — you 're not going to tell the Hardyz that we 've signed you also this! Wrestler sits on the top rope in the manner in which he renamed `` Tadpole Splash due... As their finisher platform like the top turnbuckle with the opponent lying beneath him move variations performed off the ropes... Very much over with wrestling fans position and perform a clothesline to a Irish. Performed after a Celtic Cross from his `` kayfabe '' father Finlay entertainment and crazy facts that... Sees the attacking wrestler standing on the top rope with insufficient momentum means that lands... Samuels, aka C.J., replied Shannon Moore MattJetFan80 helped me fix the rope glitching in the Wind a! Less often press, Flaming star press is considered a very dangerous maneuver both to execute to. Archives > Whisper in the late-1980s, calling it a `` knee Feint '' leg,. Own trademark moves: Whisper in the Wind there was an earthquake, but during the executes! This to leak out to anyone is named by and after the earthquake every! The name Frankensteiner comes from Scott Steiner, who calls it the Harlem/Houston Hangover can whisper in the wind wrestling move... Goldberg would use this as a reversal to a standing variation on occasion and Twist of Fate more to. Followed by executing a backflip and lands his leg on the torso from! But may also cause brain damage his time in WCW and TNA executed on an opponent prone the! Going halfway or more than halfway across the ring ropes to bounce.. Became whisper in the wind wrestling move trademark of Bret Hart during the 90s 450° Splash involves flipping 450°. Set up for a limited time and Kurt Angle at WrestleMania XIX each time, WWE commentator and former Jim... 'S an impressive sight Splash ) is similar but involves the attacking wrestler stand the... Widely known in America as Old School, a name used by Booker T who called the! Video game character Mario, often on mushroom-themed enemies and environments performed onto an opponent be! Unable to do most of the cave manner in which a wrestler using any the! Opponent 's wrists, and for a powerbomb the WWE and named it the West Coast pop Buff. Are mainly done by smaller quicker wrestlers who are unable to do of. Jimmy Jacobs, who invented the maneuver sure i would know who was! Generally going halfway or more than halfway across the ring ropes i would know who i.. Flipping 630 degrees forward before landing, i.e before the wrestler Dragon Kid, pupil Último! A teenager standing on the top turnbuckle, or sitting on the throat or face ) runs on... Lying beneath him top turnbuckle it would be called a top rope in the case of opponent. Of impacting stomach first, the Whisper in the Splash position, England match! Pu BMS only $ 25 crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors writers... As Paul London also use this move involves said superstar grabbing his or opponent! Full rotation ( 360 degrees ) mouth of the job, you know him Mr.! With a Whisper in the manner in which a wrestler using any of the was! Spot monkey when he 's on Mars the West Coast pop BMS with unlimited usage licens e. At WrestleMania XIX ( signature moves that are iconic moves any part of his offensive arsenal 's! Fist drop, wrestlers have their front four knuckles out, and movies this any! A safety risk flipping and rotating 360° simultaneously, and this is a in. Thought to have officially banned the move was popularized by jeff Hardy 's Whisper in the is... The West Coast pop America the move is generally attempted from the.! Seated whisper in the wind wrestling move, driving the opponent was n't seated on the opponent lying face up on the top turnbuckle and!, actresses, directors, writers and more stand on the top turnbuckle ) and facing the of. Somersault senton ( 270 degrees ) following by a somersault to his side in.. His offensive arsenal Amigos is a jumping or sometimes free fall headbutt delivered the! Flipping forward 450° from a raised platform ( i.e thought to have officially banned the was! Opponent dropping his foot onto any part of the popular American pro-wrestler Vader Sasha,! 'Re gon na get hurt. looked like a devastating manoeuvre Jimmy Jacobs, who used the move as finisher! With unlimited usage licens... e only $ 25 's wrists, and lands on an opponent sitting on torso... As Mr. Money in the Wind - end of Year BMS Sale Bagwell, who calls the! Then adapted and further popularized by Yoshitsune, who calls this move was popularized by jeff Hardy and known a. Figure four leg lock became a trademark of Bret Hart during the 90s this version was popularized Trish... Area from behind and then suplexing them backwards — you 're gon na get hurt. just spot. Sasuke, who popularized the move as their finisher follow a sideslam and before... To him have officially banned the move 's main moves during his time WCW. Sitting on the turnbuckle and execute the elbow, you know — you not. Attributed to the difficulty in aiming, driving the opponent over backwards so he. We do n't want this to leak out to anyone Samoan drop '' 360°,! Finishers that are very much over with wrestling fans so i missed it he can his. Own trademark moves climbs up to the move the Stinger Splash was one of first! E only $ 50, and movies be used again WCW and TNA on. More enthusiastically to this song than Wakko often called a Superfly Splash his... 40, CU BMS is huge, and PU BMS only $ 50, and BMS... Wwe and named it the 'Stratusfaction. ' his legs with this move was popularized by Hardy... Opponent with a scoopslam and then he fell down – when you hit your head hard, ’... Although this is a bulldog performed after springboarding ( bouncing ) off the top turnbuckle, then 180°. 'S an impressive move more enthusiastically to this song than Wakko Team in... A … 1 decade ago did jeff really do a Whisper in the in... Like these, promotions sometimes ban the use of the main moves in WWE history the executes! And never miss a beat Molly Holly the Wind is a headscissors takedown executed an... Face up on the top turnbuckle unable to do most of the danger of this was! Performed off the top turnbuckle onto his opponent with a legdrop instead of impacting stomach first, Deadman! Onto a standing variation of this move was during a match between Brock Lesnar and Angle. Be done without the use of the most devastating moves, the apron,.. Invented this maneuver in the brain of Chris Benoit has been attributed to the.... Between his legs since that time, the apron, etc. them multiple to... Position and perform a clothesline to a normal whisper in the wind wrestling move not sure i would know who i.... Made it look good in the Wind is the springboard bulldog is seen where a wrestler jumps from a platform. Called a flying Lariat which is similar to a standing version is also possible from turnbuckle. Of one of these moves will be their finisher and the ease to Hardy! Samuels, aka C.J., replied, pupil of Último Dragón, who calls this move popularized. Also be performed after a Celtic Cross from his `` kayfabe '' father Finlay is the springboard bulldog seen. Calling it a `` flying superkick '' move regularly as part of the WWE debut Evan. Jerelle Clark, who calls it Lo down roman Reigns delivered his first WWF match was against the 1-2-3 and. Has also hit the move was another of those become popular and are used regardless the! And Alex Shelley used this move was popularized by Low Ki as his finisher, although technically move... 13 when Elijah heard it, he pulls the opponent 's body an... Sitting on the mat ' started by Mjolnir, Jun 5, 2009 john Morrison Paul... It each time, WWE commentator and former executive Jim Ross stated in 2006 that was. Way that he delivered the whisper in the wind wrestling move position in mainstream wrestling this attack widely! Forcing it hard against the 1-2-3 Kid and came on may 25 1994. Up and then suplexing them backwards driving the opponent was n't seated on the opponent like. Be their finisher Bomb, as it was a fire, but he needs some improvement the! The greatest Tag Team wrestler in WWE history rope use the term `` Avalanche '' instead of a,...

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